"I don't know really I just enjoy learning about ideas about our society and interactions between people. I don't really have a job in mind or anything I'm just doing what I enjoy the most." She said with a shrug. When Belle offered for her to come to her room sometime Emma looked shocked. The only real reason she had been so relaxed talking to her was in the back of her mind she was thinking [i]she is only talking to you cause she is your RA she won't be your friend[/i] however this suggested differently. Emma bit her lip kinda nervously in a cute fashion for a second before a smile spread across her face."That sounds great, I have quite allot of movies with me we could watch though." She said playing with the sleeves of her hoodie a bit. She looked rather adorable as she stood there looking like she was homeless or something and Belle had offered her a place to stay. She definitely seemed grateful. "What kind of movies do you like?" Emma asked suddenly worried about bringing the wrong kinda movie if she asked her to bring something.