[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/U5L9VVo.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24][b][i]Eli Wyn[/i][/b][/color] [color=ed1c24]"Try dodging the cable-car? What was that all about?"[/color] Eli scratched his head as he watched Blin take off. He seemed to glide a bit slower today and Eli couldn't help but wonder what was that all about. He'd have to remember to ask him about it later. And he didn't even flinch when Eli mentioned his epic dream that had girls and a dragon in it. What a shame. Then it dawned on him, like a bulb lighting up above his head, [color=ed1c24]"Dodging the cable-car? Dodging the cable-car! That. Sound. Awesome!"[/color] As he stood there, alone in front of the school, talking to himself - he noticed a faint glimpse of what was probably a skywhale in the distance. There was no way he was going to catch up to it before it reaches the mountains. [color=ed1c24]"One day I'll ride on your back, just you watch,"[/color] Eli threw his fist in the air, as if swearing a revenge on a mortal enemy. But then a grin came back to his face. He had a race to attend, of course. Actually, he still had to convince her to race him, but that was just a small detail. Eli hadn't done much at all today, in terms of excitement. He woke up early, went to the school and helped his sister with preparations for this week's classes. For some reason, his sister liked having him around, even if they bickered all the time. She mentioned that he brings good energy to the school and fires up the kids to stay in school and not end up reckless like him. Pfft. She was teasing him, of course. Probably. Maybe. [color=ed1c24]"Enough. Time to make the best out of this day - watch yourself, Heron, Eli's coming through at the speed of light![/color] Besides, he was standing here for far too long, doing nothing but talking to himself. If his assumption was correct, Rahna was probably at the apothecary - helping her mother with the morning shift? He hoped the assumption was right, otherwise he'd have to glide high and low to find her. Not that he'd mind. Hm. Maybe it would be better if his assumption was wrong. Deciding the time for talking was over, Eli rushed over to his glider, the pointy thing with two tribal wings painted on its actual wings. A wingception - term he coined for the amazing design. As he prepared to dive off the edge, he looked down - wondering how far would he actually fall down should he mess something up. It was a ritual he did. A small sign that he wasn't actually completely out of his mind. But a moment of sanity had passed and he jumped off, immediately feeling the rush of wind in his hair. Now that was the feeling he was looking for. Reminded him of the fact that he was alive. The fastest route towards Rahna would, by his calculations, be through the market district. There was a fine shortcut there, but it meant that he'd have to fly a bit lower than usual. Quickly he calculated the risk in his head of actually hurting someone. It was minimal, at most he'd cause a stronger wind and something would fall of some nearby stall, but even that wasn't as plausible. On the other hand, he'd probably look epic as he soared through the sky - breaking out of a nearby cloud and rushing down to sweep ladies of their feet while all the gentlemen looked on in awe. Yes. That was it. That was [i]the[/i] plan. Of course, Eli would soon get a reminder that [i]the[/i] plans never go exactly as planned. Or at all. As he crashed into the cloud, his mind sent him an alarming note - he wasn't wearing any glasses. What would prove to be a minor setback. A temporary blindness. One of those usually equaled in the lack of control of his glider, which wasn't on a high level to begin with. And that usually equaled in a bump. Or a graze. [color=ed1c24]"Or a crash!"[/color] Eli blurted out as he regained his vision just in the nick of time not to crash straight into a man in a can dragging along a shorter man down the road. It was a close call, one that probably shaved off ten years of his life right there. Damn, out of all people he wouldn't want to crash into, a knight was definitely somewhere near the top of the list. Following his sister, Blin and Rahna. It was a while back that Eli made a note never to crash into one of his close friends. An oath, if you will. After today, he might make one for the knights as well. Barely getting a hang of the glider again, he managed to put out a thumb up for the two people to see - the best he could do to say sorry. There was no stopping now - the show must go on. After a couple more minutes of gliding, he finally reached his destination. He exhaled as he looked around, a huge grin resting on his face. The apothecary was in sight and all he had to do was walk in, put on his charm face and look for Rahna. Easy enough. At least it would be if he wasn't a bit ashamed about coming to the apothecary all the time, for all those herbs and bandages and whatnot. He might as well be their most frequent customer. Considering how he wasn't [i]always[/i] paying on time, it was normal for him to be a bit embarrassed. But, instead of acting like a normal human being, he pushed the door slightly open and poked his head. [color=ed1c24]"Hey Rahna, you here?"[/color] He asked without even soaking in the surroundings. Quite charming indeed. [@Aquaknight] [@tex] [@Rekaigan] [/center]