Hal showed up in the park, dressed in a dark sweatshirt and some old jeans. Unlike his de-facto partners in crime, Hal hadn't gotten chewed out when he got home. His father was soft, not really the kind to dole out punishment. He simply told Hal not to do it again, but, "Between you and me," he was kind of proud that his son had planned to defend the downed Richard. It wasn't exactly "heroic", as his father put it, but it was good enough for Hal. What worried him was the thought of what his mother would say. She was a lawyer, after all. Punishment was her specialty. Typically, she avoided it, but when it came to her son, the dogs of war were quite..... loose. He hoped that he'd have enough of a story to tell after this special detention to make her lay off, but... one can never be too sure. He approached stealthily, hoping to see Om before Om could see him. Since Hal couldn't see Om, he'd either already lost, or beat him here. Hal didn't like either of those outcomes. When Mina asked when this whole charade was getting started, Hal took the opportunity for social activity, anything to get his mind off his mother. "No clue, Ice Queen. I assume whenever ol' Om gets here. Hope it isn't too long."