[center][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/671cbd56978ca28551891830d852701e/tumblr_nj7hkbSLL71reixpro1_1280.jpg[/img][/center] [b]NAME[/b] Wade Wilson / Deadpool [b]MORAL ALIGNMENT[/b] WTL [b]AFFILIATION[/b] Weapon X [b]ORIGIN AND BACKSTORY[/b] As an adult, Wade Wilson discovered what he had finally been good at: killing people. In fact Wade was so good at facilities of murder he found himself being transferred into a special unit of skilled soldiers before he hit the age of twenty-three. By the age of thirty, Wade Wilson acted with extreme prejudice. Eventually, Wade Wilson was recommended for leave in spite of his superior military service due to a health concern: Wade Wilson had cancer. Taking this time out to try to investigate ways to subdue it, Wade was eventually approached by researchers of a obscure research project by the name of Department K. Believing their research could remove his illness he joined and began the painful process, but by the end of it Wade’s dormant healing factor became thrown into overdrive; but the catch was there was no bridging the pain of regeneration or purification of his cells. Wade felt every second and every day for several months of his cancer being wiped from his body. During the recuperation process, Wade found himself in a facility obscurely associated with the project located in rural Canada. This is where Wade Wilson met Doctor Emrys Killebrew, his enforcer Ajax, and several others. This is also where Wade Wilson would lose himself. Killebrew was fascinated with Wade’s “supergene” that allowed him to regenerate all sorts of levels. Believing it to be the process to create a super soldier program that would rival HYDRA and SHIELD’s glory days he began to pick apart Wade Wilson and for quite some time Wade felt this on a daily basis as he succumbed to pain that he could only imagine. Wade attempted to bond with other patients of the program like Worm to keep him from losing himself despite the constant agonizing pain. Wade even began to think that he was communicating with the visage of Death, but death never came. One night, Wade heard how his constitution and endurance were put into a betting pool— the Likelihood of him living. He tried to escape, but even with his training the unbelievable amount of pain placed him at a disadvantage. When Worm died, Wade lost it and attempted to kill Ajax. The punishment for such insolence was Wade’s supposed end as he was deemed to have served his purpose. Ajax and Killebrew dissected Wade, chopped him into tiny pieces, set him on fire, and tossed him in a drain pipe. A normal person… would have died. Regenerating from the state Wade had made him finally not just go over the brink of madness, but dancing in the fields of madness. Seeing Death again was nice for Wade, but he refused to be ready for it when the taste of vengeance drove his will to live. The regenerated Wade found his memories in pieces; only remembering fragments of the recent years. Eventually finding himself in New York City, Wade began living off the money of drug dealers he non-specifically murdered as he tried to get things on track. Wade began calling himself “Deadpool” after his memories started coming back regarding on what he witnessed in Department K and sought to hunt down Ajax. However, finding Ajax and by extension Killebrew was very [i]difficult[/i]— even for a man like Wade with a certain set of “skills”. As the weeks went on Wade discovered that Ajax had supposedly resigned from Department K and had decided a career in organized crime was more befitting his type of psychopathy. Fortunately, this made Ajax much [i]easier[/i] to find considering he had decided to setup shop in Detroit; a place where Wade “infiltrated” as he began killing through Ajax’s thugs and scientists to get to the top of the chain where he could end Ajax’s life but not before he told him where to find Killebrew. The answers he got after several firefights pointed in one direction— Weapon X. Thus it was time to sign up. [quote]Team X was a group mutants who worked as black ops special forces troops who did whatever Romulus told them to. No one knew exactly who Romulus was, but they knew that he was an ancient mutant with the ability to coarse animals to follow his bidding. The animal within Wolervine had betrayed him, and Logan was under Romulus' control for as long as his feral mind remained intact. For Logan to break free, he would have to acknowledge that he was more man than monster. Team X consisted of Wolverine, Sabertooth, Deadpool, Copycat, Maverick, John Wraith, Mastodon and later Lady Deathstrike and X-23. The latter two were all created using Wolverine's DNA and possessed various parts of Wolverine's mutation. Team X operated during various wars and conflicts throughout the years. They battled the Sentinel Order's Asian division in Korea during the Korean War. When the Cold War began, Wolverine and Sabertooth were sent to Russia to locate a device capable of creating Carbonium, a metal similar to Adamantium but easier to synthesize, and less poisonous to humans when handled without the proper equipment. They encountered the agent known as Omega Red before escaping with the device and delivering it to Romulus. The team split up briefly when the Vietnam War began, with Wolverine sent to take down an out of control super soldier named Nuke. Logan succeeded in bringing the man down, and brought him back to Weapon X before being sent back to Vietnam. Wolverine continued to assassinate various politicians, generals and activists who stood in the way of mutant progress. Romulus' forces clashed with the Trask family and their Sentinel Order as history continued to move on, oblivious to the secret war occurring in the shadows. Now it is 2012, and hiding their war is becoming harder and harder. The newest member of the Trask dynasty, Bolivar Trask, has taken over Trask Industries in America and started to work on the Sentinel program. Mutants are going missing every day, and Romulus believes Trask is somehow involved. So he was assigned Wolverine with the task of hunting down everyone involved in the scheme and bringing them to justice, freeing his mutant brothers and sisters in the process.[/quote] [b]POWERS & ABILITIES[/b] [list][*][color=9F1F1F][b]Super Soldier Physiology[/b][/color] – The physiology gained through experimentation on Wade has transformed Wade into “The Modern Age’s Captain America but way cooler” and as such gives Wade a condition that is ‘peak human’ in terms of endurance, strength, perception, and dexterity. [*][color=9F1F1F][b]Healing Factor[/b][/color] – As a byproduct of his accelerated x-gene, Wade’s degenerative disease was curbed due to the acceleration of a latent x-gene that unbeknownst to Wade existed in his genetic code and as such revealed itself to be as a healing factor that is even more tenacious than Wolverine’s own. Wade can survive even the most fatal of injuries. [*][color=9F1F1F][b]Close Quarters Combat[/b][/color] – Wade was trained as a special operations operative and soldier in his early adulthood and despite his insanity has carried over instinctively. He’s a “MLG pro” at military CQC, Krav Maga, Jujitsu, and Judo. This also extends to his use of knives and katanas. [*][color=9F1F1F][b]Marksman[/b][/color] – Wade claims to be an expert sniper despite having little care for accuracy; his gunfire turning entire neighborhoods and facilities into swiss cheese. Though while his preference for submachine guns and inaccurate displays of “Deadpool-style gunplay” Wade is telling the truth in that he [i]was[/i] an expert sniper and spec-ops operative before his foray into Department K.[/list]