In the interests of moving things along (and because I'm due for a post, it being four days since my last), I am taking [@Charnobylisk]'s offer to bunny Lorna for the next segment of time. Further, I am somewhat sad to report that it has been eight days since [@Plasma] has posted, without word given to Lady A. Because of this, I have been given the task of bunnying Dexter, until the issue resolves itself. Depending upon my mood over the next couple of posts, it could resolve itself by means of him being shot in the foot and duck-taped to an office chair, then pushed down the street as a decoy. Perhaps he will play a pivotal role in Operation Meatshield. It is indeed even possible for Dexter to valiantly save the day, and be rewarded by an all-you-can-eat shrimp buffet, where in an effort to get as many of the prawny bastards into his facehole as possible, two-fists it with the shrimp forks only to erupt into a massive sneeze, planting his fists onto the table with the tines pointed straight up; his mighty sinus evacuation rocking his head forward, impaling both eyeballs in the process. The resulting chaos that ensues because of the shock and horror of having two smallish bits of three pronged flatware embedded in one's face and dripping with previously interior vitreous humor taking advantage of him, Dexter might find himself blindly running at a stumbling, staggering gait through the last remembered open exit, only to fall into an open manhole. Unfortunately, his forks (as he has become one with them in the last few seconds) catch on the inside rim of the round steel hole, altering the trajectory and spin of his Flailing Almost Corpse, resulting in him splorting headfirst into a great mound of semi-solid raw sewage, wherein he spends his last few gasping seconds with mouth and nose full of the awful, sour-ass softserve, contemplating his place in the immediate ecosystem: whether rats and/or centipedes will make a home from his remains, and if his rectum will serve as the most logical entryway. Luckily, he will be dead [i]long[/i] before the crap has a chance to infect his fresh eye wounds. Unfortunately, he's going to turn. Well, I'd better get to that post. Have a blessed day.