[center][h1]Marcus Lucroy,Emiliah Hazelbrush, Yuri Alensev[/h1][/center] Marcus groaned. What he would give to be in a down feather bed. His head was down as his eyes were slowly closing. It had been like this for the last three hours, riding ontop of his Stallion. It seemed like a moment but suddenly he was on the edge of town, hearing the people in taverns or their homes, laughing and mingling. He must have fallen asleep, the sharp pain in his neck of the awkward sleeping angle for his head confirmed it. With a quick twist of his head he heard a loud pop that instantly woke him up in the process as well. He looked around for the Witches paradise, a hunters inn that he's been to once or twice before with Flint. Flint... He wondered where that sly bastard was. It had been a few months. Arching his back to streach his muscles he finally found it. Quickly dismounting, he groaned when he hit the ground. It was good to stand as he streched all of his muscles. He tied his horse up and made his way to the door. He could hear screaming inside...as if being tortured. Sounds about right in a bar...someone might not have paid their debts. He pushed the door open and instantly welcomed the warmth of the interior...though the smell could be worked on, besides the warm food, he smelt the oder of sweaty men. He glanced to his left to see a MASSIVE man knock out another with a mean left hook, sprawling him over the table he sat on. Always entertainment when one visited, that was for sure, his armor clinked as he turned to the bar to order some food and drink. He didn't sit however...three hours on a saddle, he would rather stand for a bit. He looked around but it seemed the Barkeep, Bobby was busy with the man who was just knocked out...including his wife, Sophie. Despite most of the men in here, Marcus seemed out of place, with his metal and leather semi shiny and clean appearance despite the trip on the road. The fire was making her far too drowsy then she ever liked to be in a tavern. By the sounds of it, Mat was going to be fine, even if he had added another few bruises to his face thanks to Fenros. Taking the 'he's going to live...probably' as her cue to leave, her balanced seemed a little off center as she stood, making her way towards the door, only to lose her footing slightly as passed by the counter, causing her to bump into a man that was standing there "Sorry," she said, rubbing her eye, fighting to stay awake. "Nothing spilt?" she asked, her mind too fuzzy for real conversations. Marcus was suddenly knocked into the counter from behind, letting out a "oophf" As is gut hit the counter top. He quickly turned arounnd, honestly expecting a drunk ready to fight. But he heard the soft and tired voice of a girl who said sorry and asked if nothing was spilt. "Nothing to worry about Mi'lady." He gave a very big smile. "Are you alright though?" His head moved to one side to the other as he tried to look at her with different parts of the candle light as he gently touched both of her shoulders to steady her. "You've had a bit of a tussle it seems." "Hm?" Said Emiliah, her eyes finally focusing on the stranger, she glanced down at one of his hands on her shoulders, then back to his face. "Oh, yeah, it has been a rather eventful day, but don't worry, most of the blood on me isn't mine," Between Flint and Mat, she looked like a right old axe swinging hacker. "And it isn't anything a little sleep can't cure," He nodded as he listened to her, she truely seemed out of it, he then asked "Would you like me to escort you home? Obviously you can take care of your self, but still...to keep you from falling into other strangers?" He knew he just met the girl, but it was drilled into him since childhood. "Are you always this 'nice' to all the girls who bump into you?" She asked, looking up at him. "I'm tempted to say no, but knowing my luck I'd run into another injuried hunter destined for Bobby's. If you came, I could always pawn him off on you to take back," From where he was sitting at the end of the bar Yuri couldn't help but overhear the conversation between the well dressed newcomer and one of the other hunters in the room. The entire thing was amusing to say the least, and as much as he wanted to let it play out, he couldn't help himself from interjecting "From what I have seen of the traffic today, you'd pawn one injury off on him, and then get caught up with one right behind that." His head turning slightly so he could glance at the pair. Marcus looked sideways at the man who spoke up and interupted their conversation. He was all scarred up on the right side of his face, if he didn't know better he would have guessed him half dead, from the milky eye. He furrowed his brow at him. "Excuse me Sir? Did you say something?" He heard him clear, but his tone was slightly annoyed, feinting that he didn't hear him at all. Emiliah glanced over at the man, having heard him just fine, responded. "Right? And of course, all dying men what to come to the tavern. Why they would when there is a perfectly good healer not a block away is beyond me," Yuri turned all the way to see the both of them better, his eyes flicking to each of the duo. "It was nothing" he said, nodding slightly to Marcus "Simply commenting on what I can only guess is a feild hospital being run out of the back. Now as to why they like to come here in their dire streights, my guess would be for the alcohol. Makes everything feel better." Marcus stuck out his chin as he thought on the subject. It was an intreaging thought. "Perhaps it's also the fact that it's better to be patched up while there are a bunch of hunters here while the other recoups? Besides, there is a wealth of knowlege of medicine that could be shared here for all wounds from men patching themselves up. I would say it would be far supirior to that of a doctor of a small town...not that this town is small." He said as he glanced from the man back to the woman. Seeing her eyes were still very tired. "Though I would love to sit and discuss this intreaging idea, I don't want to hold up the lady, as she seems to be falling over where she stands." "No, don't worry about me," Said Emiliah, she knew that the man was anxiouse to be on his way. "I can walk myself home if you are that into discussing the theory of 'Why Hunters Go to the Tavern and Not a Healer '" Yuri grinned slightly "An intresting idea, probably true honestly. But you have a point, the night is getting old, probably time to turn in. Unless you have a contract for one of the things that crawls in the dark." He said with a joking tone, but at the same time knowing full well that could be the case. "As fun as hunting something that crawls in the dark might be, I've spent all day in a cave and I am off to bed," She said, heading towards the door. He looked at Yuri and quickly said, "Excuse me." before following Emiliah, He then moved passed her to the door and asked, "Are you sure you don't want an escort miss?" He pushed the door open for her. Emiliah looked at the door and back at the guy. "I promise you, I've gotten home plenty of times before, so come if you want to, stay if you don't. I am fine either way," He bowed his head and said, "If you will pardon me, As a Gentleman, I cannot in my good mindset let you walk home alone, this late at night in your condition. " He waited for her to walk out and followed her as well. Yuri lifted his glass in a salute "Night."