[center][h3][color=Lightslategray]Avaleigh Dawson[/color] [sub]with a pinch of [color=Sandybrown]Jasper[/color][/sub][/h3] [color=Lightslategray]Locations:[/color] Mortimer's front gates - Jimmy's VW bus - The Royalton Lobby - The Royalton Elevator [color=Lightslategray]Interacting with:[/color] First Years that are going to party with Ava[/center] [hr][hr][center][h2]PRE-TIMESKIP[/h2][/center][h3][color=8882be]Messages from Ava[/color][/h3] [center][@Harley Q][hider=Pippa Montgomery] [center][color=Royalblue][b]Avaleigh Dawson[/b][/color] [url=http://i.imgur.com/z7ni8Mj.jpg][img]http://i.imgur.com/Skcm5F5.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [indent][color=lightgray]Four girls!? Hell yeah you're in! Better dress to impress ;) Meet me at the front gates of Mortimer for 9PM. I hope you ladies are up for some pre-gaming in the car. Who goes to a party without having something in them yeah? Luckily for us, my brother knows a guy with dankass wheels. Sadly, you guys won't get to meet Teddy until we're there, he's helping out. I just gotta text him when we're there. Thanks ladies! xoxo[/color][/indent] [/hider] [@McHaggis][hider=Chance Calhoun] [center][color=Royalblue][b]Avaleigh Dawson[/b][/color] [url=http://i.imgur.com/z7ni8Mj.jpg][img]http://i.imgur.com/Skcm5F5.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [indent][color=lightgray]LAWL. Dammit. You got me. I'm impressed. 11 out of 10! My bro will make sure you and whoever you want to invite has access. Just know, we might have a "head start" in the car >.>. I'm good at convincing my brother, if you know what I mean. Front gates of Uni at 9PM. OH. One last thing. I hope you don't mind a car filled with women. See ya then <333[/color][/indent] [/hider][/center] Prior to the party, Avaleigh took Olive around town, they ate at a pizza joint, went shopping, and even checked out the Dream Up Fest for an hour. [h3][color=8882be]Car Ride[/color][/h3] [center][hider=Meet Jimmy] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/671af7aad1b7e5d077a4a5c79233af37/tumblr_mjzsrbKXMD1qd337ko2_250.gif[/img][/hider][/center] At a school like Mortimer, there was a large amount of students that had a fair amount of cash, one being Jimmy Harris, a senior Cinematagrapher of Film. With his customized Volkswagen van, he was one of the best DD's any senior class could ask for. Jasper felt fucking lucky to have this man as a friend. Not being fond of drinking but loving the feeling of carpooling a bunch of drunk people and becoming the "dude" everyone loves, Jimmy is known for his highly sociable nature and quirky personality. More often than not, a great guy to talk to. The van was an early graduation gift. Mr. Harris knew his son loved a good road trip every so often. Lets just say, Jasper was tight with some of the most impressionable seniors that Mortimer had to offer. Hell, people included Jace in this pool of seniors one [u]must[/u] connect with before they graduated because he was extremely reliable, and somehow, by the drunken gods, he networked with many older people with potential job opportunities (that isn't even an understatement). [color=a187be]Summary:[/color] The silver haired young woman was quite prepared to get her party on, waiting outside the van with her strapless white top, black leggings, and boots on. Her roommate was sitting in the car waiting for the rest of the freshmen to show up. The party was not only going to have primarily seniors, but it was a rich student hosting it, which meant: dress decent or get kicked out, unless you're on close basis with him. The perks about her group of guests were, it was majorly women so without a doubt the seniors would look passed the couple of guys in the flock of gorgeous babes. In the Van, Avaleigh had already prepared vodka shots and red bull for each and everyone of her guests. There was a 25 minute car ride. Enough time to have small talk and get buzzed or tipsy before they arrived. [i]No peer pressure at all[/i]. After quick introductions, the group of freshmen, with Jimmy behind the wheel, would head off to the lovely Caldwell penthouse, where her brother was waiting for them. [center][url=https://hippielimo.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/carscoop_vwbuslimo_1.jpg]Exterior[/url] ║ [url=http://www.kindigit.com/gallery/62_bus/62_vw_04.jpg]Interior[/url][/center] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/SGacvrC.png[/img] [img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-07/15/19/enhanced/webdr03/anigif_enhanced-buzz-5235-1437003571-7.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yfC9ONc.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][h1][color=8882be]TIMESKIP:[/color] Around 9:30 PM[/h1] Have you ever went to a triplex penthouse? An unnecessarily large apartment at the top of a [url=https://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/pPvYIQSkn0SohQBvRZ-dvdh4i_s=/0x600/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/4583189/One_20Madison_20Triplex_20Penthouse.0.jpg]tall building with three floors to it[/url]. Yeah, that was Nick Caldwell's father's home away from home. Don't you just love this economy how the wealthy are filthy rich and the poor are broke as shit? No complaining though, the fact that you even got an invite might show you're worth elitist Nick's time. [center][hider=Meet Nicky][img]http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/1604134/368full-thomas-dekker.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] Entering the lobby, with the flock of first years, the dancer grabbed her phone and dialed her brother's number while her heeled boots resounded in the room, stepping on the smooth marble floor. Before she could get her call in, her brother stumbled out of the elevator, it was obvious Jasper had already started drinking... way ahead of schedule. "[color=Sandybrown]Noey! You're here ah-ha! How's my sis doing?! Oh-[sub]oh[/sub]![/color]" He turned to two bodyguards and gestured toward the group of people he had no idea were coming, "[color=Sandybrown]These kids are with me, you got it?[/color]" The atmosphere of the entrance gave off the feeling they were going to a private club that only select few were invited to. The muscle men did not budge or say a word. Ignoring their intimidating nonsense, Jasper approached his baby sister with his nice button up shirt and khaki pants and gave her a warm bear hug. "[color=Sandybrown]I gotta run out real quick. I'll be back in like... ten minutes. Go to the top-top-TOP floor. The place is poppin'! If any one asks, say you're with me. If they ask for like a code word, it's [i]bacon strips[/i].[/color]" Jay looked over all the kids, not registering any of their faces, as he continued on, "[color=Sandybrown]Remember, be cool. Some upperclassmen will test you. Don't let them take advantage of you. Also, if you bump into Nicky don't do anything to piss off his ego. You don't want to see him angry... Alright little ones, go crazy~ [sub]but not too crazy[/sub].[/color]" Strolling to the door, the older man came to a halt and turned back to stare at his sister, his eyes narrowing, "[color=Sandybrown]I'll slap a bitch if they make you uncomfortable.[/color]" With that, the drunken artist made his exit. Extremely embarrassed but not showing it on her face, Ava hid her mood behind a smile and led her hopefully soon-to-be friends to the elevator, "[color=Lightslategray]Let's make our mark.[/color]" Entering the elevator, she held the door open and waited patiently for everyone. It was a tight fit, but they'd make it work. Pressing the button to the top floor, she took a deep breath in. [i]Ready or not, here we come. [/i]