[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=156485&s=35&t=%20Robert%20Minsky%0A&c=666600[/img][/center] [color=olive]'I guess that's it then?'[/color] Robert said to himself in his head as he watched everyone branch off to do their own little things leaving him in the bridge still. Pondering himself on what he was going to do himself, he paced around the computer screen in front of the bridge as he scoured his brain. [color=olive]'Three hours until we reach our destination huh? Guessing that leaves us a bunch of time to fiddle around the place then.'[/color] He thought as he left the bridge and headed to the room that was labeled as his with hidden intentions from his brainstorming. Opening the door to his room, it was a relatively clean room but a few discarded articles of paper which read mumbo jumbo to him as he understood but could not piece together why they were in his room. Sighing at them, he picked up the stray sheets and neatly stacked them onto a dresser. Taking in the sight of the rest of his room, it was relatively what you would expect from a bedroom but perhaps too plain for a person who had a room with other mercenaries. The only other piece of furniture that was in his room was a computer station that was pretty high quality as the equipment over there looked pretty expensive and the little platform for Profiler to connect must of taken some special technology to build. He wondered if it would connect to Andi as he had a request to take up with the machine, but wasn't sure how it would take the request as they barely met. Talking about Profiler, its appearance caught Robert's eye as it scanned around the room as his precious was simply lying there waiting for its owner to come back home like any good pet. [color=olive]'Pet?'[/color] He thought in surprise as the joy he momentarily felt for the machine was... strange to say the least. Picking up the device he remembered that it closely resembled a smartphone, an outdated device and design but easy for carrying and concealing anywhere literally from what he knew, as he smirked again weirdly. Sighing at these reactions which were sudden and unexpected, he turned the device on which accessed the screen of Profiler. Reformalizing himself with Profiler, he shook off the remaining frost of the cryostasis that still remained as he quickly refreshed himself. With some tapping and shifting through the menus, he gripped the images on his phone as plucked them from the screen as placed it into the room. With the application called [color=salmon]'The Trickster'[/color] running, it generated an avatar of a fox as it wandered through the room with its holographic body. Smirking at the cute companion he had in his phone and about his discovery of the properties of his room and what his phone can do within it. He observed the walls to his room after the display with Trickster, noticing that the design on the wall wasn't wallpaper but mechanical setup where he basically had a holographic workshop in his room. He again glossed over his phone and apparently from what he could find after looking over the functions, he could do many things within this room that were surprising for its size which was quite small. Smiling at the new gadgets he had back into his hands, he remembered what he was planning to do when he was brainstorming in the bridge before speaking aloud. [color=olive][i]"[color=0a7cd0][u]Andi[/u][/color] if you don't mind me so rudely asking but may I intrude on your systems for a brief second? If you can uphold secrecy and discretion then it would be preferable for both of us that I would like for you to do me a favor. I would like you to refrain telling any of the other members of the ship anything my concerning my true past and redirected them to obtaining information on this one that I am uploading to you if you'd kindly accept."[/i][/color] He said with a light tone as he stuck Profiler into the platform at the computer station which connected to the ship where it would reach Andi. [color=olive][i]"If you can't hold this secret then I'll will be quick with what I am going to do and you won't have to do it. I'd however, prefer that you'd forget me asking this if you can however."[/i][/color] He said with a cheerful tone, checking on Profiler's progress, which he had connected it to the ship as the task he assigned it was done after he was finished messing around with it earlier. The task was quickly finished with how advance the device was, as a simple task like making a fake identity would be easily done as the only source of information to the outside world being Andi. The fake profile he created for himself, was that he was not a scout or even remotely combat capable but a simple computer technician which was hired to perform emergency repairs if needed and had a background in biological science. However his true purpose of being hired was in his knowledge computer science to repair Andi if the situation ever falls that dire. From what he could remember himself, he was a scout to put it in the simplest term. His job was more complicated than this but it hurt to keep recalling on these memories which kinda hurt and was easier to forget. He didn't want to hurt Andi and if fact, he probably liked ANDI the most out of the rest of his companions as machines such as him were so much more understandable than the infinite possibilities people had within themselves. It would of been rude to simply go behind the machine and intrude his own privacy and duties that were given to the computer, a thoughtful opinion on the rights of machines themselves but another topic to be discussed later. If Andi refused, well that would be shameful... as he really hoped he wouldn't have to do something too extreme. Looking at the screen of Profiler which he had it on, it was the 'Deleted' archive with a screenshot of him holding up an sign with three lines but two of them smudged with the only one saying [color=olive]"Do anything to survive".[/color] A pretty strange picture which he cautiously heeded as finding it was suspicious, as it was a few of the images left on the device which hadn't been permanently deleted somehow.