Within moments, the attacking 7th had handily demolished most of the base's defenses. Now that the 7th was so close to the ground, it was little issue for McKnight to walk up towards the remaining SAM site and crush the missile launcher with a swipe from his shield. This was a testament to how Mobile Armor Suits had completely changed the face of warfare. No longer were static defenses capable of fending off mobile attackers- SAM launchers and flak cannons that would give aerospace fighters pause were little difficulty for MAS, whose neuro-linked pilots could easily outmaneuver powerful weapons, while withstand fire from faster, weaker armaments. While only a small base, the majority of its defenses had been easily handled by only a quartet of MAS pilots. Admittedly, the pilots were highly trained, the point still stood. The fact that the Coalition were so easily able to leverage so many powerful machines against the UEE was the reason why the UEE had been losing so much ground. [color=lightblue]"Gerard, Yuu, locate Maki and Trapp's machines and exit the battleground. William's, keep circling the base and provide the assault team with support. I'll finish off these defense systems."[/color] -Just to keep us rolling... [@Hexaflexagon], art thou sure you don't wish for me to nudge your 'party'? -