[b]Valence Point, Prime Mover launch zone[/b] Zafuv, now officially a Diplomat with the knowledge of the universe (or so it is believed) at its hand waddles its way to a great tetrahedron in the distance. It is simply massive, the long street way to the ship is filled with other Calzonit who collectively pass through various supplies to the ship in seeming ritual. Zafuv wants to imagine it is in its name, but other calzonit are also going with Zafuv on this same ship and accompany Zafuv. They are silent, just like Zafuv and do nothing to indicate any excitement. Zafuv doesn't even know how it manages to contain its own excitement for it sees this massive spaceship, the Prime Mover it is called and can only have a sense of infantile glee that it is just unable to even show. For showing any sort of happiness or sadness for that matter is weakness. Neutral thought is the correct way. On high gravity worlds, the biggest launch vehicles are needed and the Prime Mover is built from ground up exactly for the job. It is 90% thruster and engine, 9% the personal spacecraft it is supposed to assist in going space faring and 1% everything else. Smaller ships can escape this world much more easily, but when dragging cruisers to orbit from the ground a spaceship one could mistake for a mountain is needed. The Prime Mover to Zafuv for all intents and purposes is a mountain. Its slopes fill the horizon as Zafuv nears it and to even get into the Prime Mover there is a massive hike up winding ramps. But Zafuv pushes itself up these ramps and inches its way hundreds of meters up to the loading bay. On the outside it is too easy to think of the Prime Mover as a primitive craft with its stone-like ablative plating and feedback based shielding system, but Zafuv knew once it saw the inside of the ship the sheer extent of Calzonit engineering. There is very little in the way of visible components; it is all flowing through the panels indivisibly, with panels than appear and dissipate from seemingly nothing. This part of the ship is silent; the other Calzonii from earlier have either already gone through this chamber or have yet to catch up. On the ship is a cybernetic Calzonit admonished in a platinum-like alloy who looks at Zafuv for a moment before looking down the corridor Zafuv is to proceed down. Zafuv compliantly walks down the corridor and through a modular door to its own personal frigate. In the frigate, there is a archaic device laid on the floor of the shi[s' central hub. It is a digital tablet. Zafuv picks the tablet up and a message plays. There is only a triangular symbol and a somewhat monotonous, but uncaring voice that plays from the tablet. "Your personal crew, it should be forewarned comes from emancipated slaves from other realms who are waiting for you in the living bays. This choice is intentional. For to be a truly galactic diplomat you must be able to cooperate with all members of your 'crew' regardless of origin. Expect great difficulties, but do not worry. If you die because of accident or mutiny, you will not be resurrected into a meat role. But suicide is no longer a option for you, Zafuv. You have used the suicide path twice in the past three decades* and suicide abuse is something that is not tolerated anymore. Do your task with dignity and diligence, for that is the purest state in life!" The last sentence seemed a bit contrived to Zafuv, for Zafuv has been given a duty where such purity is impossible in a galaxy of hedonists. Zafuv looks towards the living bay and dreads the potential of having to deal with a vegetable-like Wo or a treacherous Human. A Quelsac or Savarog at least have ethics. ((The Prime Mover is a shuttle-carrier and is more or less a solution to the "built a lot of ships but live on a high gravity world" problem. They take a while to build so they are just used to get ships into orbit or transport a group of ships somewhere for the most part. In short, they're logistical.)) *((using alien time standards will only be confusing, okay? Consider this all translated anyways))