[center][h3][color=DeepPink]Josephine Bloomer[/color][/h3] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTioVDLXJGcJ8nb5asLrgayD0GJMcK1XMXcmq7NAMsH8mLWoCMEAoFzc-Ra[/img] [hr][hr] [color=DeepPink]Location:[/color] 33 point park Apartment 3A ~ Outside the 'party house' [color=DeepPink]Interacting with:[/color] Jasper ([@lovely complex]) [/center][hr][hr] Josie woke quickly, all at once, her head jerking up from it's awkward sideway positions resulting with a groan from the pink-haired young woman who had fallen asleep in one of the apartment's supplied dining table chairs which almost all of them were rarely by the dining table. Josie rolled her neck slowly a couple of times in an attempt to subdue the ache beating on her neck from it's awkward position to no success. The night before Josie had not finished work until the early hours of the morning and, between yawns and heavy eyelids, she came to the, obviously inaccurate, judgement that she was awake enough to work on her latest piece. At one point she had sat down and fell asleep almost instantly. Throughout the Summer holidays Josie opted out of going away on holiday and stayed in New York to earn some more money and work on her pieces. She was glad the apartment wasn't her alone for if Quincy, or another student, wasn't in the building Josie wouldn't feel obligated to clean up her crap in the shared space's benches and tables. Of course that didn't change the fact her beside table was littered with different size needles, thread and materials. Fabrics of various colours and style lay across her study desk which was usually used for anything but study. Slowly the pink-haired woman stretched in her seat and gave a yawn before rising from it and making her way to the kitchen to turn on the kettle. [color=DeepPink]"Quinn, I'm making coffée,did you want one?"[/color] José called out to her roommate to recieve no reply. It wouldn't surprise José if Quinn had hit the streets the night before and was yet to return home, it wouldn't have been anywhere near ths first times. It explained the scent of cigarette smoke being lighter than usual, gosh, José hated that scent but most probably smelt like it herself. With no reply the young woman continues to make herself a coffee into a travel mug. She'd been cooped up in her room on her fashion pieces or working the last few days and decided it may be about time to see what New York had to offer. She ran a hand through her messy pink hair in attempts to flattened it, yet making in it worse, so with a sip of coffee she started detangling it with her slender fingers of her left hands then exited the apartment, careful to ensire the door stayed locked, and exited the building [center] ~☆~ [/center] It was well into the night yet Josie was wandering the streets of New York. She had only finished work less then an hour ago and decided to get back to wandering the hustle and bustle of the streets they never slept instead of locking herself among her sewing tools and materials. She was passing a large building. Distant music could be heard, there was obviously a party going on. Josie wouldn't have given it a second thought had her friend not emerged from the building but he had. [color=DeepPink]"Hey there Jasper!"[/color] Josie greets him, pushing back some loose strands of pink hair before looking him in the eyes [color=DeepPink]"Are you drunk?"[/color]