Collab between Overlord24 and TheUnknowable [@Overlord24] Kale gave Eve a berry, then held one out in his palm for Alex. "Ah, I get it," he said, pretending to be a normal person who had no idea what was going on. "You think if we can breed then, we could make a bit of money. I'm listening." He walked over to the probably-fake uniform-clad man so that they could discuss "business" privately. "What? No, I don't want to breed them, I need to tell you," now dropping his voice down to a whisper, "I'm not Regime, at least not anymore. I need your help to take down the other guy, he's a high-up in the Regime. If you help me, I can help you." "The "breeding" thing's a cover," Kale said quietly, "and I think we should maintain it for now, as a greedy agent's treated much better that a turncoat, especially if you aren't above bribing your CO." He scratched his chin, acting as if he was thinking about it. "Not sure if I can help you, though. I've never killed anyone before and I'd rather not start." He still wasn't sure it wasn't a trap, but if this guy really was with the rebellion, he didn't want to make himself seem too dedicated to the Regime. "I'm not trying to trick if that's what you think, and I'm not asking you to kill him, I'm just needing you to help me incapacitate him, and the breeding idea is good. But please, I really need help, I'm on the run from the Regime, but I can do this with just me and Alex if need help, but you and your Eevee could help quite a lot. And I know the way to a Resistance base, I'm heading that way, so if you want I can bring you there." "Ok, then, as long as we let him live. You think they'd reward us if we brought them a prisoner?" Kale glanced over at Eve and motioned for her to come over. "Probably, I like the way you think. OK, I say we come out talking about Pokemon breeding, then when he doesn't expect anything, I send Alex at him, you can send Eve, and when we get him off guard, we call them back and launch ourselves at him. I have some rope, I know he's a strong soldier, but it's really strong rope." Avary says this with hope and fierce determination in his eyes. "Or, we could just have them use Swift or Quick attack, keep him off balance. Besides, there's a problem," Kale bent down to pick Eve up, then stood up again. "We don't know what his pokemon is or even where it is. The fact that it's hidden could mean it's a ghost, which would make moves like tackle and bite useless." [@A Tattooed Girl] Kale heard a noise in the woods. "Pokeballs." he said. "Regime?" Civilians rarely had them. Sure, he did, but his was a special case. "I heard that to, but I think you're right, he is very famous among the Regime, when I was- I mean, I heard rumors that he had a ghost type, he's very powerful, so is Hawkins, but if we surprise them, and I ask Alex to use Shadowball, then we might be able to take them down." "Ok, then, you deal with the pokemon, I'll deal with him. If the Regime really is out there, though, we'll need to run. You want to start the attack?" He set Eve down and motioned for her to scurry over to the Regime officer, looking up at him with the same Baby Doll Eyes she used earlier. "Let's do this," at this Avary sent Umbreon out to go with Eve and use baby doll eyes as well. After they did that, Avary launched out from where he and Kale were talking with the his staff raised at Hawkins. "Eat this Regime scumbag!"