[center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v285/Icmastic/img_chara_nyx_zpsaik7cjtc.png[/IMG][/center] [center][sub][h3][i][color=dc143c]N e r o[/color] S a x o n[/i][/h3][/sub][/center] [center][sub][sub][h3][i]Twenty - Six || Male || 6 ' 2[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/center] [indent][sub][sub][h3][i]Appearance[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent] [indent][indent]The physical aesthetic of Nero Saxon lies somewhere just beyond average, at least in his own opinion. He stands tall enough to appear imposing with the proper posture yet his build is not bulky enough to support the notion. Broad shoulders and general definition throughout his body lend credence to the idea that the commander of the Kingsglaive abides by his exercise regimen, but his torso, legs, and arms are built in a more athletic manner than that of a bodybuilder. Every muscle is trained to be functional rather than pleasing to the eye and this results in a slimmer profile though Nero is firmly of a medium build. Facial features are also of an average nature with soft brown eyes and a well groomed goatee under dark hair; a tuft of locks slick back and down into hanging groups of strands while the sides of the head are shaved down a bit. Nero dresses in the standard garb all Kingsglaive members wear which consists of a dark grey, long sleeve shirt hidden underneath a collared vest - usually buttoned through clasps all the way up - also rooted in colors of grey and black; black tactical pants (basically cargo pants made of a breathable material and lots more pockets) are neatly tucked into equally dark, shin high combat boots and a pair of ebony fingerless gloves round out the ensemble. He bears no loyalty to jewelry of any kind in spite of a past which suggests otherwise though the only adornment rests in his right ear; a solid black bluetooth ear piece is also standard issue amongst the Kingsglaive. It allows for short and long range communication between the team and it is completely encrypted through both technological and magical means.[/indent][/indent] [center]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -{}--{}--{}- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[/center] [center][IMG]https://49.media.tumblr.com/bc24d3c1a8162da835587544a0e3c187/tumblr_o4wpeepE7a1rmfzd9o1_500.gif[/IMG][/center] [center]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -{}--{}--{}- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[/center] [indent][sub][sub][h3][i]Weapon[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent] [indent][indent]Nero carries a hybrid lance ax weapon as his preferred melee armament. The weapon appears as a lance that is slightly taller than the owner himself. The head of the lance mirrors a trident-like style though the two outer prongs are full-sized ax blades of a shining sliver and gold and the middle prong is a golden spear head, diamond shaped, rising above the outer prongs for piercing. The butt of the lance is a golden cone that begins thick at the base and becomes slender closer to the tip. The shaft of the lance is solid ebony and is comprised of an alloy of metals giving the weapon a certain heft.[/indent][/indent] [indent][sub][sub][h3][i]Elemental Affinity[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent] [indent][indent]Lightning[/indent][/indent] [indent][sub][sub][h3][i]Magic[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent] [indent][indent]Thunder - Shoots a lightning bolt at a single target Jolt - Sends a jolt of electricity through the user's palm[/indent][/indent] [indent][sub][sub][h3][i]Personality[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent] [indent][indent]Nero's personality does not exactly match the duty-bound face he wears when on the job. Contrary to the strict professionalism expected from all who serve in any sort of military, the commander of the Kingsglaive is actually an easy-going individual. Outside of battle and serious situations, Nero Saxon is a laid back socialite who often uses wit and sarcasm to lighten the mood or, as said by the man himself, just because he wants to. He is a man who starts the conversation rather than waiting to be engaged and he seems to genuinely enjoy going back and forth with others in the jokingly combative way he does from time to time. This demeanor makes him easily approachable to almost any kind of person and makes the team dynamic more comfortable and natural because Nero, in spite of his ranking, is just "one of the guys". In more serious situations however, the commander's attitude goes through a complete 180. Battle-hardened eyes and a more aggressive posture contribute to the stern visage and iron resolve more associated with a member of the Kingsglaive. Conversations can often become short and sharp when the mood shifts to this state and some say it is the pain of the past that fuels this attitude when duty calls. Overall, Nero Saxon boils down to two distinct halves that come together to complete the man himself. He is not perfect and though his jokes can sometimes go too far or his more harsh demeanor can bite too harshly, Nero at least tries his best to be an engaging and approachable member of the team while flipping the switch to a soldier's mindset when appropriate.[/indent][/indent] [indent][sub][sub][h3][i]History[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent] [indent][indent]Nero Xavier Saxon was born in the kingdom of Ivalice, but raised only by his mother. As the story goes, his father was only in his life until his third birthday and then walked out to never return. Andrea Saxon chose to dedicate her life and family to the Queen's Army, proudly rising to the rank of First Lieutenant. Due to her occupation, money was never much of a want for the single mother and her child, but she equally missed out on time with her son as she tended to her duties. Nero was actually raised by a multitude of nanny's and babysitters, but he learned of the world on his own. He routinely escaped his watcher's sights and perused the busy streets of Ivalice, taking time to marvel at the airships lumbering along above the skyscrapers or even journeying to the edge of the city to watch the beasts roam and live from atop the high wall standing guard around the metropolis. When the boy reached the age of his teenage years, his unapproved excursions grew even bolder. Nero regularly ventured beyond the city walls and into the wilds gaining an appreciation for nature and outdoor exploration. He found himself enthralled with the things he had never seen before and the experiences he could have if he went just a little further. He even got into urban climbing and was arrested more than once for scaling the sides of city towers, office buildings, and mapping out the interconnected sewage systems for his own enjoyment. Adventure and discovery were the things that drove Nero as he grew older and as he went through school and inched ever closer to high school graduation, he knew he would decide on a career path that would allow him to travel and satisfy his thirst for firsthand knowledge. Despite the fact that his mother was around for more than weeks at a time, Nero had always respected her position. Ivalice instilled the importance of the army and order into the hearts of its people and the now graduated young man was no exception. Instead of enrolling in a traditional college after high school, Nero opted to join Ivalice's prestigious military academy. It was a college that would allow one to join the Queen's Army if they so chose, but also would teach military skills and tactics to those who had enough money and passion to learn. Though long and arduous, Nero was able to complete his four year commitment and graduated from the military academy with an even stronger urge to get away and see the world. Before that, however, another urge overtook him - love. At the young age of 22, Nero was married to a girl he met in the academy. The two had been part of different platoons during their time at the college, but once they were introduced to each other they would often sneak away in the quietest moments to share time together and get to know one another. Though they were always caught and reprimanded for these actions, the bond never stopped growing between the duo. This union that eventually grew into full blown marriage would only last nine months however and it circled back to a decision that had been nagging at the boy for some time - the decision to join the Queen's Army of Ivalice with his love or not. In the end, he decided against joining the Queen's Army and left his hometown for its rival Algareth. At that time, Nero harbored no political feelings of any kind and ignored the fact that Ivalice held a deep hatred for those of Algareth as he simply wished to see the things he had never lay eyes on and move passed the memories of a marital union that did not work out. Through a series of events, however, Nero got much more than he bargained for and it came to pass that four years later, now aged 26, he commands an elite covert unit called the Kingsglaive.[/indent][/indent] [indent][sub][sub][h3][i]Trivia[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent] [indent][indent]- Nero is a smoker, though he is desperately trying to quit. He is down to a quarter pack a day. - Nero's favorite food is pizza and despite his health regimen, he can't help but to eat whole pies whenever given the chance. - Due to his childhood of urban and outdoor exploration, Nero can navigate the land without the use of technology and he is an excellent climber and parkour enthusiast.[/indent][/indent] [indent][sub][sub][h3][i]Relationships[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent] [indent][indent][sub][sub][h3][i]Gideon:[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][sub][sub][h3][i]Mirany:[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][sub][sub][h3][i]Blair:[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][sub][sub][h3][i]Dianthe:[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][sub][sub][h3][i]Saga:[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][/indent][/indent]