[@Mokley] I'm pretty sure I'm interested. I have the perfect character for a wild adventure~ *bounces on* So standard human, no magic or anything. *glances at current chars* Well fudge, you already have an adrenaline junkie. =/ Nikki: *whines* Actually, this might be okay still. I mean, she's more than /just/ that. Right? So yeah, if you have room for a gregarious prankster and sometimes-thief (nothing big, she just likes being chased), I would love to hop in. I have some ideas for background relationships, and certainly she can meet more people IC. Is it okay if she knows a /little/ about fighting in some form? I may not do that, but I'd like to know all the same. Her ending style probably balances somewhere between speed/agility and "Did you seriously just do that because it was crazy and I can't believe it actually worked", with a dash of whatever she has to hand.