[quote=Sixsmith] Overkill isn't funny. I dunno why Miso is doing dis. D:She's already rooming with Eliza. I mean... wow... never mind—Mizuho really doesn't like Alice at all. You can tell just by the roommate placement. ._. It's a good thing you have Vlad, who's simply damaged individual who isn't bad because of it. :( I have sympathy for Vlad and want to hug him. Alice, I would hug, but only to squeeze the life out of her... literally. [/quote] Vladimir, when I first made him for a Neon Genesis Evangellion RP, had a huge case of Hero Complex. He would literally put everyone in danger so he could save them...It ended up killing him. Good times. [quote=Sixsmith] *Cough*Jacob, Jacob, Jacob, Jacob... all she's going to do is get you hooked on them drugs. :( [/quote] It's true...It's the only way she feels relevant in the World. [quote=Mizuho] Hey, the roommates thing wasn't because I hate Alice. As a character, she's one of my favorites XDNo, it's because Alice has a tendency to lash out as ruin people, and I didn't want anyone to die or anything in this roleplay. So I thought that Eliza would be smart enough to not piss her off. [/quote] I am glad you like her. I based her off my former best friend in High School.