After being threatened Forrest had long since left the two known as Sam and Indigo to their own devices. If he was going to join them he needed to pack his stuff. Returning to their camp Forrest and Mika deconstructed camp and packed up. Half an hour later he approached the others and introduced himself as Woods. A cover name he gave until he trusted people. Listening to Sam's plan to enter the city, Forrest honestly couldn't think of a better plan. It had taken the better part of the day to enter the city. The last of the sun had finally crested over the horizon leaving the city to light itself. Once in the city Forrest noticed something. It was eerily quiet. No one walked the streets and the only signs of life was the fresh garbage lining the alleys. That was until they finally crossed the Mahattan bridge. Forrest hadn't seen that many people in one place in months. The nervous aura coming off Sam didn't help his own. Seeing a cluster of Regime agents Sam signaled to split up. Taking the left flank Forrest and Mika dissapeared into a crowd of Hat ladies. Keeping an eye on Sam, Forrest kept a safe distance. Lucky enough for him fighting-type pokemon are pretty common in the city. Used by blue collar folk like construction workers and such. Unfortunately Bo was another story. The Growlithe seemed to be causing quite the stir. Attracting the attentions of nearby Regime agents. They spat out warnings which Sam ignored. when they ordered him to halt and Sam bolted into an alleyway, Forrest cursed under his breathe. He hated running, but he did it anyway. Doing his best to follow, anticipate, and track Forrest trailed along. Meeting up with Indigo after taking an alleyway they followed a street they believed Sam could possibly turn on. Fortunately for them they were right. Seeing Sam pullout onto the sidewalk the trio stopped and acknowledged each other a moment. They then started off again, but not before five steps later the ground shook. Twice more the ground shook and Forrest looked with Sam for a possible explosion. They locked eyes and Sam looked as confused as Forrest. Sam then just bolted towards where the sounds had came from. Forrest had no other choice but to follow. There could be hurt people and Pokemon. "I know what you're thinking, but you know it'll be crawlling with Regime agents." Muttered Forrest as he followed Sam. The man just ignored him and sprinted down an alley. He sighed deeply and followed. Forrest was met by the sound of bodies colliding. When he caught up he saw Sam on the ground looking up at two people, a woman and man, helping another man walk. Along with the new folks were a houndoom, espeon, and aconclomeration of pink and blue shapes carrying a houndour. An odd sight to behold, but what made it worse was the passed out man was dressed as a Regime agent. Forrest and Mika both growled their distain and the trainer was about to start throwing accusations when Sam beat him to the punch, albeit with a much different question. "Who gives a shit about the ligh..." Began Forrest when he was interuppted by the screech from hell. It was accompanied by a huge flying creature with wings of lightning and flaps of roaring thunder. It was beeing chased by a huge flock of pokemon. Was that thing a pokemon? He had heard of legenary class pokemon, but never seen one before. Forrest could feel it's power from here. He wasn't one for puns but the only word to explain the power he felt was: Electrifying.