[Center][B]☆ Helena ☆[/b] [I]Lyn's Hunt [/i][/center] She pulled her blade free and cleaned it off on the bottom of her shirt before putting it back in its sheath on her hip. “Yeah, still one more of those things. But it seems relatively well in hand,” she said, turning as the elf addressed her, blinking a little too try and get him more in focus without her glasses. After a second she gave up and just faced the slightly fuzzy shape of him and nodded her head some. She could patch herself up too, but it would be harder given it was her arm, even more so because it was her dominant arm that was hurt. “My name’s Helena,” she went on as he worked on her arm, looking him over now that he was close enough. His work would need to be done over again, but he was right about stopping the bleeding now. Even if she didn't do more fighting, there was still danger of her bleeding out. The girl was already calm. She may not have fought a lot of beats in her time, but she'd been in her share of fights before, and now that the immediate threat to her life had passed she wasn't panicked anymore. Even if her heart was beating fast with the adrenaline of it all and she could feel the tingle of the fire inside her. And though she was calm, that didn't stop the small gasps and sharp intakes of air and grumbled curses as he worked on her arm. It was painful being bit, and continued to be so for quite some time it seemed. But she shouldn't expect it to just go away. Helena kept looking around past him, trying to find her glasses without them was difficult. She couldn't see clearly very far, and she could hear more fighting nearby. But she couldn't see enough to tell her newfound companion about what was going on around them while he focused. “I honestly can't see very well,” She said with no hint of the impairment that the elf had in her voice. “You haven't happened to have happened on my glasses on your way over here?” Helena asked as she pulled her arm back from his work now that he was finished.