[@Jig] Cool I'll tweak the things you said although actually now I that I think about it there a few things I might change actually in regards to their personality. This character is ultimately a rework of one I've been writing about since 2009? I think, and the version you see right now is a hybrid of two (well probably more actually) incarnations of them and the more I think about it, the less I'm happy with it. I want to change to be less destructive/chaotic and more epicurean/hedonistic with a sadistic self serving streak that can often manifest itself in violence, in particular picking on the weak and defenseless for fun. Might tone down the combat level a bit as well since I'm moving away from the whole 'ultimate flawed weapon' kinda conception. I'd also like to know about some of the Architect's questions too, I thought essentially we were going to be playing as anthropomorphic manifestations of a concept similar to the metaphysical interpretations of Nietzsche's Will to Power. Being's that exist to try and dominate each other and the world, and that exist by force of their own will. Am I much wrong? ---- EDIT: I updated the CS to better reflect what I was talking about