Wolfing down her meal with ravenous zeal, she swiftly decimated her meal. She was restless now , not content to be in the company of others any longer. She'd had enough of that with her 'breakfast.' Getting up she nodded towards her waitress in silent thanks before reequipping her weapon of choice. She refused to take the front door this time, preferably choosing to exit through the bathroom window. The night was quiet except for the sound of snores and late night melees. But she could not relax, not an inch until she was back in her...home? She guessed she could call it that. Home... For a moment she didn't feel like tough, calculating Sentinel but prone, vunerable Anna Reyes. She [i]hated[/i] that. [i] That's not my life any longer, it's better to forget...[/i] For a moment she frowned before slinking into the shadows, calculating her next destination. She opened her HUD looking through her notes. Yeah, she took notes so she could refresh her mind on locations and strategies, especially useful now that there was no independent strategy guide. At least, not one she was willing to pay for. Filing through her notes she came across the info she was seeking. She'd gotten info of one of het targets about a certain 'hidden' cave not far of from her [i]residence[/i] that had huge farming potential, the huge part being that the inhabitants were giant cave rats. According to the directions it should be northwest of her right now. Closing the HUD quickly, she crawled from the cramped drainage pipe, pushing the rusted gate back into place behind her. She was noticed only briefly by a group of NPCs and a wandering knight that was way too far off to catch up, but other than that her travel was uneventful. Arriving at near the supposed place, she decided to climb the tree for reconnaissance. She didn't want to be embroiled in anything she couldn't handle. She wanted to observe how armed they were and how they fared against the initial enemies. Then she'd make the call on if she would test the dungeon or not. Or just make targets out of any that approached. She prepared herself, positioning so that the branches would cloak most of her body while leaving room to aim her rifle. And so she waited.