"Ah, I get it," Kale said to the soldier, "You think if we can breed then, we could make a bit of money. I'm listening." Chris was interested in pokemon breeding, especially a pokemon like Eevee and Umbreon, but he assumed that the solider wouldn't want someone superior helping with the breeding, and a civilian wouldn't want a member of the Regime helping out, even if he was a medic. Chris didn't mind though, he had his own pokemon to deal with, and it wasn't like he had an Eevee or an evolution that could be bred. Since Chris had been walking for so long, his legs were starting to get tired, and he decided to lean against a tree. Even when leaning against the tree, he was still considerably taller than both of the boys. Whilst the boys went to their talk, the pokemon came over, and started using baby doll eyes. Even though he would usually be smarter, he fell for it. He stared at the pokemon, not listening to Kale or the soldier talking to each other. He didn't even notice when the Eevee went and came back - he was too busy admiring Umbreon. Suddenly, Chris heard the soldier shout out, "Eat this Regime scumbag!" and he looked at him. He noticed that he was holding up the staff that he was holding, and he got ready for an attack. "What!?" he shouted out, "I'm not Regime! Duksull, help me out here!" "Skull!" Duskull said whilst flying out of the tree that he was in, becoming visible now.