Jack and John felt hungry and decided it was time to join the others in the cafeteria, they made their way over towards the others and joined them walking into the building. John stated in their mind that he wanted a nice juicy steak that he could chomp into, hoping to scare the new students. "Well they don't have steak for breakfast, you know that John." Jack replied they walked in and up to the counter with the administrator. They waited while the new students got their timetables. Just as Jason went to get his John pulled up the hood, cut in front and gave a maniacal laugh. "Better be quicker than that blindy!" John yelled [i] JOHN YOU ARSEHOLE WHY DID YOU DO THAT?[/i] John ignored Jack and quickly made thier way towards the cafeteria, John just burst in yelling, "WELCOME TO DARKWOOD FELLOW FREAKS OF NATURE!!!." Jack pulled the hood off and yelled back "IGNORE HIM PLEASE!."