I'd say that's more a testament to my free time than anything, not to mention my ability to procrastinate on the dissertation I should be writing. Technically I didn't debate against your rebuttal, I said it was awe inspiring and too much even for me. But now you've forced me to rebut your rebuttal of my rebuttal of your rebuttal of my rebuttal, I hope you're happy you monster. We came to a conclusion eventually, but it still required a significant shift in the rules of T1E, which Divinity evidently wasn't going to accept hence why they quit. (Probably spurred somewhat because your responses were growing more and more inflammatory.) To reiterate, you wanted to have two different one prepped abilities activated at once, hell, probably more if consecutive turns allowed. In T1E a prep is supposed to represent intense focus on a single ability until it's unleashed, so for obvious reasons your rune compromise was still against da rulez. I don't hold T1E to such extreme regard, hell, anyone who knows me would know I criticise it constantly for not making sense. However, if you wanted to fight under a revised version that should have been established from the start. It makes perfect sense for a ranked fight to default to T1E because it's the best general ruleset, so later arguing for a change to the rules to gain an advantage seemed like the essence of bad sportsmanship, to me. What I actually think, is that in a ranked fight which has lasted over a month, for one player to resign without being at any real disadvantage suggests that an underlying problem exists. I know from reading this fight that Divinity didn't just quit because they're busy, or because they were losing, but because your conduct was growing intolerable. No one deserves a victory for ousting their opponent in that fashion, and the fact that you want to clamour for the victory is dissapointing to me. There would always be other fights, but now anyone reading this fight is going to be like 'well, do I really want to fight this guy if he goes to this length to earn a win?' Which is a shame. If my dissapointment in how things turned out and my belief that this sort of conduct should be frowned on by an official ranking system is elitism, then fair enough.