[h2][color=bc8dbf]Kargool the Vanillite[/color][/h2] [u][i][color=fff79a]Valiant Village, Guild[/color] [/i][/u] Kargool entered the Guild with his bag, now containing an extra few supplies in it. He learned how the guild system works here, and figured he could come and ask if he could register a team right now. He probably couldn't, he assumed, but it wouldn't hurt to ask if he could. He knew how the process worked for new members, you sign up to be a trainee, you do your work and what you are told until you prove that you can be a full rate rescue team, then you can get full pay from the jobs. He hit the door with a soft Flash Cannon to knock, as he can't really knock using his "arms". After waiting for near one minute, he sits down at the door and patiently waits for the guild master to return.