[@Nevix] [hider=Evelyn D'Amour] Name: Evelyn D’Amour Age: 18 Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/9f/f1/78/9ff17801f4a55ccb2898ea54eb874c25.jpg[/img] Evelyn is just below average height at 5’6, and is quite skinny. Her body is well shaped, but quite petite, with small breasts and butt. Bio: As far as she can remember, Evelyn has been around since the time of the Ancient Egyptians. She has always managed to get herself into positions of importance, using her wiles and charms to ascend the ranks of power. She has managed to make her way into the bedroom of many important figures throughout history. And she has enjoyed every minute of it. Evelyn suits her appearance to match the time period, going with her current style to try and seduce people who are looking for something more exotic. She usually succeeds quite well at this, and has bedded several thousand people over the past 10 years alone. Due to this, she has experienced nearly every fetish known to man, and is an expert in the field of sex. Personality: Evelyn is naturally flirtatious, always wearing a smile which is not quite innocent. Despite her intentions and actions, Evelyn actually has humanity's interests at heart, and could be kind if she ever made friends. In the bedroom, she is a very selfless and compassionate lover. Possessions: Evelyn usually wears slightly revealing clothes, such as tank tops to show off her stomach, or skinny jeans. She owns several ‘aides’ for her activities, and is well versed in all of them. Skills: Evelyn is an expert when it comes to sex, having knowledge of every single fetish known to man. She is also an expert at seduction and manipulation. Evelyn is also incredibly skilled at hand to hand combat, knowing several martial arts. Fast facts: Evelyn is not known to the IBI, as her activities are relatively low key. Evelyn may know some other Immortals from past encounters. (PM or mention me if you want history with her)[/hider]