Don't get me wrong, I was indeed being rather insulting towards Divinity, but in a rather equally respectful manner. We were both butting heads, and I didn't want to act like the 'better man' and not throw down some jabs myself, that just wouldn't be any fun, and I don't see myself as morally better than most! This fight has probably come to a halt not because I'm breaking rules, in which I'm NOT, but because Divinity doesn't want to keep up this undignified battle of taunts. That has nothing to do with what happens IC. The end result wasn't really a shift in the rules, if you read my arguments well; I continuously expressed willingness to abide by a 1 prep per turn basis; which was the very first thing mentioned that began this clusterfuck. It was a shift in how Myron's kit works, that we were jotting out that whole time. I'd expect this kind of berating if I actually broke rules. T1EA wasn't even mentioned from the start, what was mentioned was there being a judge, and eventually you told me about how T1EA is forced upon us as a default. You keep reiterating issues that were being resolved OOC, as if I'm STILL hellbent on having 2 preps in 1 turn. Completely ignorant of how many times I've said, 'I'm cool with 1 prep 1 turn.' Which I feel redundant for having to remind you constantly. Of course I'll be petty for this win, we were complete and utter assholes to one another, and beating up the bully is just sooo satisfying. Self satisfaction is exactly what I want, so yeah, call me a disappointment for that, I never really cared for the opinions of people who don't know me; if anyone looks back on this fight and avoids me... good for them, it takes courage to challenge a bully! See I'm willing to keep up the 'charade,' I'm willing to keep fighting, and honestly I'd rather bribe Divinity with the chance of a loss or win scenario, to yank his neck and convince him to really take me on. I'd rather this than say... walking away like nothing happened. Like all my hard work and effort put in to something I knew was ranked, was all in vain, and why? Because someone who insulted me so much couldn't handle being insulted anymore? Voiding this fight would seem like more of a way to preserve Divinity's ego because he just 'doesn't feel like it anymore.' Modern society is all about giving everyone participation awards even if they came in last place, and I don't agree with that. If you forfeit, you mentally accept loss.