Death, so much death and done with such fury. Trapp didn’t looked over at Alice but upon the corpses that Maki had just put out of their misery. Bodies were twisted and shattered into alien geometries each taken apart with movements so quick that each one flew together in a blur. It was easy to sometimes forget that Alice was in reality a machine built from the ground up for a singular purpose, killing. Right now he didn't have time to worry about it, instead he chance to file the information away for later something to bring up to the Captain if he had a chance. When he had a chance. He followed after Maki in silence occasionally casting a sideways glance back at Alice seemingly all ‘okay now’ the uniform she was wearing covered in blood and bone debris. He shook his head and followed Maki past an intersection and down a long hall where at the far end the data center was located. The room was noticeably cooler than the rest of the facility to keep the highly valuable data from overheating. As Alice began to go to work on the Mainframe Trapp gestured Maki to follow him out of earshot where he still spoke in hushed tones. [color=lightgreen]“Okay listen that was some fucked up shit, and I understand that with her being your wingman and all that it is probably worse for you. But until we get off of this goddamn rock, I need you to look after her okay? We [b]will[/b] address this but at a later date.”[/color] He explained his voice stern but tired as he walked away from his fellow pilot to began to shore up their defense and look out for more guards before Maki could reply with some snarky comment that he was really getting tired off by this point. [hr] [i]Several Minutes later[/i] Trapp clung to the wall fighting for breath as he found a moment of peace in the midst of the firefight. Things had gone to right shit as quickly as one could imagine. It was supposed to be easy, in and out but instead they had been ushered into a killing field. Out manned, outgunned and running out of time. They had held out reasonably well taking out solid chunks of their aggressors before they had to push back. The blood stained floor in front of them was a testament to the extended skirmishes that had commenced. A silent alarm went out as soon as Alice had accessed the mainframe of the system and as it was essentially that Coalition Military secrets didn’t fall into enemy hands especially technology being developed on a planet like Jehan had made sure that despite the attack, squads of Coalition soldiers had been rerouted to deal with the runaway prisoners. He looked over to his right on the other side of the door where Maki was currently raining hell upon more approaching troops, they were doing okay for the moment but they were running low on ammo. Further back Alice was still pulling all the information from the database, they needed more time but they had no time left. Exhaling Trapp pulled out around the corner and trained his sights on the approaching Coalition Soldiers. He could hear Gates in his head whisky thick voice rough and rumble. [I] Exhale..... And fire.[/i] His finger squeezed the trigger once and then twice sending two more three round burst down range one hit a approaching soldier in the chest and the next shattered his friend's faceplate. Two bodies fell but the others kept on rushing forward. [color=lightgreen]“Alice we need to go! Now!”[/color] Trapp yelled over the roar of the gunfire as the Coalition Soldiers began retaliatory fire peppering the door frame with another round of bullets. Trapp pulled back letting out a curse in his breath in German. He waited till their bolly ended before snapping back out and firing again. He and Maki were doing their best but they would be overwhelmed by sheer numbers soon enough. Suddenly there was an explosion as part of the facility was blown away by a stray shot from a MAS through the hole in the ceiling vaporizing the poor coalition soldiers assaulting Trapp could see the blazing white silhouette of a FTX-075 dance across the sky. [i]Mcknight.[/i] It would seem their rescue team had finally arrived. He chuckled to himself before he turned to look at his two companions. [color=lightgreen]“We are only going to have once chance like this. We are going now whether we have all that data or not.” Trapp pointed to the map of the building hanging on the wall of the datacenter. “Maki, I need you to escort our little robot miss to the holding garage where the capture MAS’ are being stored and make sure she gets out of here in one piece.”[/color] Trapp explained as he traced his finger to the east of their current location. “While you two are doing that I’m going to head in the opposite direction and hopefully draw some of away from the two of you. Hopefully if all goes well I’ll be able to ‘borrow’ something from one of their hanagers at least until we can get back to the Lincoln. Now let’s move!” Trapp said with a reaffirming nod to the two of them checking his rifle one last time before moving out the door of the Datacenter. He pulled to the right almost breaking into a sprint almost immediately as he began to fumble with the dials on the transponder he had stolen. His hands moved across the device in a frenzy following the intricate patterns as he set the device to the 7th’s communication frequency. Eventually static give way to broken and scattered voices [sub]d...en...e sys...ems[/sub] and soon Mcknight’s voice came loud and clear into the headset. Trapp smiled madly to himself as he rounded another corner barely avoiding another group of soldiers bullets slamming into the wall. [color=lightgreen]“Gallant this is Odin. Repeat Gallant this is Odin. Took you fuckers long enough. Listen 7th Maki and Alice are currently heading towards the west end of the facility to recover and reactivate their vehicles. I’m going to need you to clear the area around the hangar for the-.”[/color] Trapp’s voice was cut off as a bullet slammed into the transponders box causing a harsh static growl to fill his ears. The pilot cursed as he discarded the headset and quickly dispatched the man that had shot at him. He stepped over the body and turned right following the signs that pointed him toward the main hangars as well as the experimental unit. Soldiers rounded the corner ahead of him and Trapp quickly dove into the doorway to his right as they opened fire. Frantic he pressed the barrel of his rifle against the electronic locking mechanism keeping the door locked and fired. Sparks flared up but the door opened and Trapp slipped inside. Once inside he slammed the panel on the other side making the doors slam shut once more. He leaned against the door taking in a deep breath as he felt the Coalition soldiers pound against it in frustration. A moment later he heard the sound of a cutting tool starting its slow process of sawing through the door. He didn't have much time. He stepped outward into the room which turned out to be a large dome shaped testing area. On the wall directly across from him in large white letters it read [b]T E S T I N G A R E A 0 1[/b]. All about the place MAS parts were scattered in heaps and piles some in middle assemble and scattered about were tables with computers and data spewed across them. Trapp approached a coffee cup on the table and touched it feeling the warmth still radiating from within. [i]The research must have all fled when the alarm went out[/i] Trapp mused to himself. His eyes were drawn from the table to far beyond it, a large frame braced into the wall. [color=lightgreen]“[i]Is that?[/i]”[/color] Trapp could only peer up at the thing in disbelief. It was a MAS but not any make or model that Trapp had seen anywhere. It towered high above him made of sleek white metal and straight lines. Futuristic and sleek the thing made even front line UEE models look somewhat archaic by comparison. Down the side of the arm in bright red letters spelled the word [b][color=f7976a]Y G G D R A S I L[/color][/b]. Trapp was knocked out of his reverie by the sounds at the door and knew he had to move. He made his way quickly to the ladder that lead up to the MAS and climbed quickly ascending the ladder he pried open the hatch at the top and slipped into the darkness. The cockpit of the Yggdrasil felt foreign to Trapp as where his own cockpits had always been cramped and tight sweatboxes this once was built with efficiency and comfort in mind as the pressure gel in the seat reacted to his body and adjusted accordingly to disturb the weight efficiently. He looked at the main console ahead of him. Tentatively he flipped a switch and heard a slight hum began as a reactor was turned on. As the reactor began pumping power through the system the console in front of him lit up bright blue in color. A C-MAD logo flashed across the screen and a moment later words began to appear. [center][b]/// W E L C O M E T O T H E AAT-748P Y G G D R A S I L S Y S T E M. /// P O W E R I N G U P...... P O W E R I N G U P //// P R E F O R M I N G S Y S T E M C Y C L I N G /// A L L S Y S T E M S N O M I N A L[/b][/center]