Holding the ring up to the light Lee smiled to herself as she watched the rays of sunshine dance over the band. It was a job well done. Standing, she made her way to the back of the shop again to put the ring away in a safe place. People and their sticky fingers were a danger in her line of work. Thankfully she'd only had one incident of theft last year, the circlet returned safely after the person was apprehended. Lee found rather sad that some people resorted to stealing rather than working on whatever they were good at, perfecting those skills and turning them into good honest work. Or at least work that wasn't stealing. Either way, the incident prompted her to get some more solid security when it came to storing finished products, sharp thorns and little scratchy wires covering the entirety of the containers where finished projects were stored. Lee wore gloves and gently wrapped each object in soft cloth before tucking them tightly under the large bundles. It wasn't the best method but the thief would walk away with scratches on their hands for sure if they didn't wear thick leather gloves. Just as Lee did just that, slipping the covered ring beneath the bundles, she heard voices outside the shop. Near it at least. So she gathered up the gems and tools she'd be using for decorating the hair ornament and made her way back to the front. Midway there she found herself giggling under her breath as she heard parts of something that sounded like a somewhat irked ramble. Lee sat down and spread her instruments out on the large ledge, hands and face bathed in the warmth of the day as she started to work, positioning the gems in certain places then moving them around, trying to see which combination would look best. The woman became so engrossed with her work that when she heard her name she nearly jumped out of her skin, eyes flying up to find it was just Gaius. She raised a hand and smiled brightly. "[color=00aeef]Morning[/color]!" There hasn't been any time to say anything else. The man seemed to be on his way to something important anyway, Lee thought as she watched him go before returning to her work. She had seen Gaius around often enough. The man who he'd been conversing with however, she didn't. Lee was good with faces and names but that didn't mean she knew a lot of people personally.