[hr][hr][h1][color=lightpink][center]B L A I R C L O V E R F I E L D[/center][/color][/h1][hr][hr] [center][img]http://www.painetworks.com/photos/iy/iy1060.JPG[/img][/center] [center][color=lightpink][b]Age:[/b][/color] 21[/center] [center][color=lightpink][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female[/center] [center][color=lightpink][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5 feet 8 inches[/center] [center][color=lightpink][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Blair is a young woman of fair, white skin. She has long, shoulder length blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and an athletic build. She weighs 126 lbs and stands at 5'8''. She has a birthmark on the right side of her neck. She has a tattoo of angel wings on her lower back. Blair traditionally wears dark colors, especially blacks, reds, and purples. Most notably she wears her dark red jacket over a silver camisole top, black leather pants and her heeled boots. She wears a charm bracelet on her left wrist with different memories she's had over the course of her life.[/center] [center][color=lightpink][b]Weapon"[/b][/color] Blair's chosen melee weapon is a long, silver staff. On either end of it is a blade. One blade is light blue and the other blade is dark gray. The staff itself can be broken up into links and used as a whip-like, dual-bladed weapon. She calls her weapon [i]Seraphim[/i][/center] [center][color=lightpink][b]Elemental Affinity:[/b][/color] Fire[/center] [center][color=lightpink][b]Spells:[/b][/color] -Fire: Shoots a fireball -Ember: Shoots a stream of sparks that can ignite a single target[/center] [center][color=lightpink][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Blair has often been called an ice queen. She doesn't go around with a permanent scowl on her face, but she doesn't smile (unless given a very good reason). Tough and dedicated, she believes in honor above all else. She doesn't trust easily and to those she does trust she cares for deeply, even if she doesn't show it or say it. Willing to go out of her way to help those in need, she can't stand injustice and corruption in whatever form they appear, from the lowliest street thug to the high powered corporation. If there's a fight to be had, Blair isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. Blair does have a kind side when it comes to children. Believing in their innocence, she will go against an authority's wishes if a child is in danger. Blair also has been known to kick back and actually relax when she has had one too much to drink. She does have a sense of humor, but one has to find it first.[/center] [center][color=lightpink][b]History:[/b][/color] Blair was born for the soldier's life. The youngest daughter of Fiona and Lance Cloverfield, fighting has been in the blood for as long as the Cloverfield name has been in existence. They lived in an upper class neighborhood in the city of Laurellia, Lance is the Captain of his own unit and Fiona trains new recruits. The family was close, but how close can you get when all you think about is fighting? Trained at a young age with a sword, Blair and her siblings were under the strict tutelage of their parents. Though they cared for their children, they could only see themselves in them and what they could become. Blair tried hard to be the best of her siblings, but was bested by her brother, Nicholas, and her sister, Lilith. No matter how hard she trained, they always got the best of her, and in turn, got the attention of her parents. Unknown to them, plots were set in motion. The Laurellian government needed a fall guy, someone that the town needed to take the punishment for the years of corruption. The current power was a man named Samson Grey, a powerful, intimidating man who got his way through sheer force. The power of ruling got the better of him and a rivalry got to far when he murdered a neighboring kingdom's son. Rather than take the fall, Samson looked for someone to take the fall. Lance was that man. Evidence pointed the authorities in his direction, but not before the neighboring kingdom took matters into their own hands. An assassination attempt against the Cloverfield family killed everyone except young Blair, who was training in the back of her home when the attack happened. Blair walked in to see her family dead. The news broadcasted their deaths as "symbolic" and "natural". Samson used the deed to declare war on their neighbors. Blair had no choice, she didn't have a home anymore. Taking her father's sword, she traveled away from the kingdom she called her home. The years were not so kind to her. She faced many hardships and fought many things. Her combat prowess grew out of desperation rather than strict training. She made few friends in her journeys, some provided her food, some a roof. She never stayed for too long. She didn't know if she could trust anyone. Thoughts of revenge raced through her head against the man who essentially had her family killed. It took many years of travel before she settled in Algareth.[/center] [center][color=lightpink][b]Cover Job:[/b][/color] When Blair isn't going on Kingsglaive missions, she works in a bar as a bartender/bouncer. She serves drinks and helps keep patrons in line.[/center] [center][color=lightpink][b]Relationships:[/b][/color][/center] -[i]Nero[/i]: Blair didn't know what to think of their "leader" when she first met him. She wondered why someone like him would ever be in charge of a group as important as Kingsglaive. She assumed he either won the title in a bet or it was a family deal. However, Nero has proven to be a good leader and one Blair feels comfortable being led by. -[i]Gideon[/i]: Out of everyone, Blair felt she could get along best with Gideon. She admired his confidence, even though she felt it was often times unwarranted. His disdain for authority has also made Blair appreciate him more. As they got to know each other, Blair got to see him in a different light, and that made her like him all the more. -[i]Saga[/i]: Blair couldn't help but find Saga annoying at first. Though she was loyal, determined, and headstrong, Blair didn't enjoy the scolding Saga often brought along with it. As the two got to know each other better, Blair grew to tolerate Saga (a form of friendship in Blair's eyes). She respects Saga and her ideals. -[i]Mirany[/i]: Probably the only person in Blair's circle with the ability to calm her down when she gets heated, Blair would consider Mirany her closest friend out of everyone. Though she won't admit it, Mirany is very much like Blair's older sister. She finds herself comfortable around her, even if the two are just sitting around. -[i]Dianthe[/i]: Blair wanted to punch Dianthe in the face. She never hid this fact. However, the girl has become an interesting person to get to know. Despite the fact she keeps trying to text her, get her to go to parties and hangs out at her bar, Blair does admire the fact Dianthe can easily show her emotions and doesn't appear weak when doing so. [center][color=lightpink][b]Trivia:[/b][/color] - Blair's favorite food is chocolate covered strawberries. - Blair picked up her weapon on her journey when one of her "friends" gave it to her after he saved her life. She felt instantly drawn to the weapon. - Blair is wanted in the city of Kurth for getting into a fight with a local gang organization. She kicked all their butts and they are now out for blood. - Blair doesn't enjoy being naked. She is very self-conscious about her body, despite being lean and attractive. - Blair actually had pink hair before. What? It was a phase! [/center]