Name Gideon Carrahy Age 24 Gender: Male Height 5'11" Appearance [img][/img] Gideon is a straight-backed and impeccably well-groomed fellow, dashing good looks always having been an important quality to him. He is rarely seen outside of a uniform, dress or otherwise - his skin is a pale white, and his dark hair, beard and mustache are always perfectly combed. Weapon: Gideon wields a custom-designed shock-enhanced twinblade - if you start by imagining a double-bladed lightsaber, you wouldn't be far off, except for the fact that the 'blade' parts are slightly shorter and have actual metal blades in them, though the alloy is infused with electricity so as to deliver powerful electric shocks on contact. The handle, which is made of non-conductive material, can be split into two so as to convert the weapon into a pair of shortspears. Elemental Affinity: Air -Wind -Shoots a blade of wind at a single target -Gust -Shoots a small wall of wind forward, blowing back targets Personality: Perhaps the first word that comes to mind about Gideon is 'confident', or maybe 'arrogant' if one was being ungenerous. He oozes confidence and self-assurance from every pore - he knows (or thinks he knows) that he's the best, and while he's not exactly going around boasting, he doesn't believe in false modesty either. He has something of a self-perception as a charming rascal, and it's not far from the truth, as his quick wit is only just matched by his contempt for authority - not the best qualities for a soldier, perhaps, but they've made him quite notorious in some circles. History: Gideon was born to relatively wealthy circumstances in the kingdom of Teirland, a frigid island nation that is one of the oldest and most devout allies of Algareth. Though the kingdom is small, they have a reputation for honor and military strength that is well founded. Perhaps the most noteworthy thing about the kingdom is their vaunted Airship Corps, an elite sect of their military responsible for crewing the fleet of flying technological marvels that represent the pinnacle of Teirland's achievement. Anyway, Gideon was born to wealth in the kingdom of Teirland. His father was a vaunted public official, and it was assumed that all of this three sons would go on to serve the nation similarly. Gideon's elder brother became a politician, like his father before him, while Gideon's younger brother showed great aptitude for the sciences. Gideon, however, had no obvious talents, and so at the age of twelve he was shipped off to a military academy. Though he took to the combat training like a duck to water, he was completely uninterested in any of the military discipline his instructors attempted to drill into him, and it's quite likely he wouldn't have succeeded in graduating were it not for the influence of his father (and his prodigious talent in combat). But graduate Gideon did, and soon he was a fully-fledged officer in the Airship Corps. Promotion did little to mollify his pride or his disdain for propriety, and he quickly displayed a propensity for shirking his non-combat duties, addressing his superiors by their first names and making a scene at officer's balls. Contributing to his ego were several early victories in what looked to be a promising military career, and though for the time being his talent as a warrior has been enough for his superiors to overlook his shortcomings as a soldier, they have come very near to the edge of their patience more than a few times. Everyone knows it's not going to be long before Gideon crosses the wrong man or disregards the wrong order in the heat of battle - and when that happens, the consequences will fall squarely on his shoulders. Relationships: Nero: Mirany: Blair: Dianthe: Saga: Trivia: Not much, besides the fact that Teirland is (obviously) inspired by traditional depictions of Victorian London. Also, I'd consider [url=]this[/url] to be his themesong, even though it's about a character of different gender from a different genre, just because it covers his attitude pretty well. Oh, and since everyone else is doing favorite food: Gideon loves a cheeseburger.