[center][h3][color=royalblue]S a g a F u l c r o s s[/color][/h3][h3][sub][sub][i]28 || Female || 5'6"[/i][/sub][/sub][/h3][/center] [sub][sub][h3][i]Appearance:[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/R1TBfQg.png[/img][/center] [indent]With medium length dark brown hair, chocolate eyes, and tanned skin, Saga Fulcross holds her athletic form high and proud. There is confidence in her expression, but her eyes are like daggers, threatening and narrow. Her body is hourglass-shaped although she does not try to accentuate any of her assets. In fact, she would regard it as a curse due to the comments people have made in the past. Not to mention, it can make finding clothes a nightmare. Luckily, most people are intimidated by her stature and deadpan expression that they don't say anything about her body though. Saga uses little to no make-up, preferring a natural look, and in her free time, she dresses comfortably, disdaining most formal wear. She does not seem to notice when she dresses proactively. Jewelry-wise, Saga has 2 piercings in each ear, which she will often accessorize to fit her own style. When it comes time to do her job, Saga dawns the familiar raiment that the Kingsglaive wear, although she may modify it to be more comfortable. If one were to see past her clothed self, they would find that Saga has multiple scars running throughout her body, a testament to the strife she has seen.[/indent] [sub][sub][h3][i]Weapon[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub] [indent]Twin obsidian-colored katars that are obscenely sharp. The blades extend out about two feet in length, decorated with silver designs running down their lengths. Rather than traditional, unguarded hand grips, these weapons have custom made grips of a titanium alloy that look very similar to gauntlets. This is for defensive purposes to ensure the user is not easily disarmed. Though heavier and bulkier than most punch daggers the same size, these katars are incredibly deadly in Saga's hands.[/indent] [sub][sub][h3][i]Elemental Affinity[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub] [indent]Holy[/indent] [sub][sub][h3][i]Magic[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub] [indent][u]Cure[/u][/indent][indent][indent]Heals minor injuries of a single target[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]Flash[/u][/indent][indent][indent]Causes a blinding light to appear for three seconds[/indent][/indent] [sub][sub][h3][i]Personality[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub] [indent]Saga is a strong, dignified woman who respects others as much as they respect her. She values integrity, loyalty, and honor over all other things. Most people would say that they get along with Saga, and she is quite charitable to those who are in need, especially children. However, there is a certain ruthlessness to her that most people would rather not piss her off. An irate Saga is liable to break a man's neck, and her comrades may need to calm her down. Concerning her comrades, they know her as the person that will always be there for them, almost like a scolding mother. She would gladly drag their downed form to safety in the middle of a fire fight and make sure they got medical care, but she'd make some nagging comments to them about their recklessness after the fact. Saga is quiet when it comes to her own problems though, preferring not to burden her friends with her own struggles. Nonetheless, it is apparent that Saga cares for them all, in her strange sort of way. Though she seems like a bloodthirsty firebrand by appearance, Saga would rather defuse a situation through diplomacy, if it can be helped. She's seen enough bloodshed, after all. If there is no other option though, then she will certainly do what needs to be done.[/indent] [sub][sub][h3][i]History[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub] [indent]Born to high-ranking members of Syfra, a rogue, guerrilla faction, Saga began life in the midst of a civil war, as Syfra vied for control over the small kingdom of Eviolis. Historically, Eviolis, an industrial powerhouse, had been controlled by the oppressive plutocracy known as Praemiosus, who's members were led by the Archminister and had full reign to do as they pleased with their citizens. People worked for meager wages, only to find themselves stripped of even that by exorbitant taxes. With the populace powerless, this system of abuse lasted for years until the rise of Syfra. From a young age, Saga was taught to fight. Since ballistic weapons were hard to come by for the lowborn, most of her training came in the form of martial arts, subterfuge, and ingenuity. By the time she was 4, she was doing everything from making pipe bombs from scrap metal and nails to stealing weapons from Praemiosus. At age 10, the grueling, long civil war finally ended with the advent of Syfra, the execution of the Archminister, and the establishment of a true Democratic Socialist republic. Many of the senior members of Syfra were given seats of power, Saga's parents included, and the task to rebuild the kingdom was suddenly at hand. The path was a difficult one as the oversights of the revolution came to fruition. For one, many of their leaders were uneducated and did not know how to run a country. Seeing this problem, children such as Saga were sent to other kingdoms to properly educate them so that the future leaders of Eviolis could better rectify the issues they could not. So, for 14 years, the girl studied basic education, political science, military arts, and economics in Algareth, paid for by the Praemiosus' stolen wealth. Saga ended up being god awful at economics and other math based courses, but she was particularly skilled at political science. Diplomacy simply came natural to her. While it was easy to strike a man down, it was a greater accomplishment to be able to talk them out of it, a skill that she thought was absolutely priceless. When Saga graduated from her studies, she hoped to be able to use what she learned to further Eviolis' progress as a prosperous kingdom. Unfortunately, when she returned to her homeland, it was once again locked in a civil war. Some of the former members of Syfra had gone mad with power and issued a military coup. All other members of the Eviolis' government were executed, including her parents. With nothing left here and hope lost for Eviolis' future, Saga left the kingdom as quickly as she came, returning to Algareth after a brief period of mourning for her lost family.[/indent] [sub][sub][h3][i]Trivia[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub] [indent][list] [*] Saga absolutely loves forensic crime shows and will watch her favorite (even reruns) any chance she gets. [*] She is a big fan of pasta, especially shrimp linguine. [*] Not many people know this, but she collects [i]Summonerlord[/i] cards. Her favorite card is Endymion the Doomfire Magician. [*] Saga is an awful driver. [/list][/indent]