[h3][u]Cosh: Alpha (Last one)[/u][/h3] The armored man shot backwards. His boots thumping the ground and drawing backwards, the cosh unable to see if he was stumbling or remained standing after the clash with the paw. His claws made a loud screeching sound when it smacked into the surface before he retracted it, his head turned toward Keri and readied to attack him. His ear flickered when the knight came charging in again. The joints in the armor and heavy metal making a loud sound too difficult to ignore causing the Alpha’s head to jerk in his direction, two things happening at almost the same time. Jenna’s arrow skirted past the beast’s neck, nicking the top as it embedded into the ground behind him. The Alpha had fallen back, hard, upon all fours to react against Deven and pivot on his left arm to bring him to the knight’s side which was likely to be exposed by the swing. A fresh, red gash streaked his black and white coat causing the animal to snarl. His eyes narrowed while he fought the pain swelling in his body from the strike, then shot forward less than a moment when the words left Deven’s mouth. “Eyes on me you bit bastard!” The cosh’s body low and fast, the beast meeting the knight halfway in his charge. He managed to hit right before he could bring down his weapon, the attack stopped moments after it was finished perparing itself. The cosh’s arms reached about the knees and was about to jerk them out from under Deven unless he did something, the wolf like feline’s weight pushed into Deven, intending to shove the man off balance. The creature’s head would nudged, firmly underneath Deven’s side where the attack was coming from and preventing his head from being slashed by the attack. If Deven had chosen to brace himself instead of swing, the man would’ve had better footing to withstand the charge and remain upright. Otherwise, he would find it difficult to remain upright even with the power he put into the propelling attack. The knight’s armor was frustrating to the beast. It protected, even if it slowed him, and prevented the creature from ripping him to pieces and moving onto the bitch that brought him here. The one that crossed into his territory, challenged his authority and refused to leave his turf. Pain rippled through the Cosh again when the vampire’s weapon raked across his face. Long, thin red line appeared as the vampire darted in then back out while the beast was entangled with the knight. The animal couldn’t detangle or risk the man slicing him with the sword or worse, drawing an irritated snarl. His hind legs shifted, his weight increased against the man (unless he detangled) to use him as a shield against the woman wielding arrows. If anyone was quick and sharp of sight, they might’ve spotted Helena’s wire framed glasses dangerously near the Cosh’s right leg and about to be crushed under the struggle.