[b][i][color=a187be]Mirany Crawford[/color][/i][/b] [b][i][color=a187be]23 // Female // 5'9"[/color][/i][/b] [b][color=a187be][i]Appearance[/i][/color][/b]: Mirany is a tall, lithe woman with good, but subtle, muscle tone. She has intense brown eyes and wavy brown hair that she normally keeps in a messy side braid. She is undeniably alluring, but downplays her looks in favor of emphasizing her physical prowess and focused mind. She wears no makeup or jewelry, but allows herself to let her hair down at times, particularly at night so she can sleep comfortably. When not dressed in the Kingsglaive standard uniform, she wears t-shirts and simple cotton-blend sweatpants in solid, dark colors like black, gray, and blue. She uses her extra clothing as both daywear and nightwear. She wears her bluetooth earpiece under her braid, to hide from the enemy that she is communicating with a team. [img]http://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1408983433i/10917681._SY540_.jpg[/img] [b][color=a187be][i]Weapon[/i][/color][/b]: Mirany does not have much in the way of brute strength, so she favors a long, wicked-sharp dagger made of a special silver-obsidian alloy. This alloy was created with the help of magic, since metals and glass cannot usually be made into an alloy together. Silver and obsidian were chosen for their light mass and incredible sharpness; a combination tailored for stealth and speed. The blade is about 10 inches long and entirely black. The handle is about 4 inches long and silver, so that if Mirany were to drop it, it could be seen easier in the dark. The crossguards, also black, are thin and flat, about 2 inches each. The pommel is black as well. Mirany keeps her blade in its black leather scabbard which is nearly always attached to her hip. The scabbard’s belt also has a small pouch attached in which she keeps her polishing supplies, and she diligently keeps the blade well-shined and cared for in any spare moments she has. She saved money for years to afford this custom-made blade, so it is very important to her. [b][i][color=a187be]Elemental Affinity[/color][/i][/b]: Water [b][i][color=a187be]Magic[/color][/i]:[/b] -Stream -Shoots a concentrated stream of water at high pressure -Mist -Uses the moisture in the air to create a light fog in a small radius [b][color=a187be][i]Personality[/i][/color][/b]: Mirany prides herself on her independence, but is willing to work with a team, as long as they understand her skill set. She doesn’t like to mix business with pleasure, and when on the job, is focused and determined. She has a no-nonsense approach to her orders--she completes them efficiently and more or less to the letter. Despite her brusque and businesslike manner, she doesn’t lack a sense of humor. She prefers dry, deadpan sarcasm the most, but isn’t above cracking a smile at silliness or lewd jokes. Take her by surprise and you may just earn a genuine laugh from her--but don’t hold your breath. She doesn’t freeze when afraid; rather, she moves even more quickly and accurately, using the adrenaline to her advantage. But that doesn’t stop her blood from running cold when she’s in danger. She also has frequent nightmares that cause her to toss and turn and weep silently in her sleep. Mirany refuses to discuss the contents of these nightmares; in fact she pretends they don’t exist completely. She is intensely private, but not rude. If asked about her personal life, she simply gives a vague answer and politely turns the conversation. As a result, she has few friends and no lovers. [b][i][color=a187be]History[/color][/i][/b]: Mirany grew up in a poor, rural village called Palatta. Her parents, poor from the day they’d been born, died of sickness when she was seven years old. Alone and unable to fend for herself, she wound up joining a ring of child thieves led by an old, fat man known as Horus. Though he fed and clothed them well, Horus was little more than a slave driver, and trained the children to pickpocket with a whipping stick and the back of his hand. He always knew how and where to hit so as not to leave a mark--injured, malnourished children attracted attention. When Mirany turned fourteen, she noticed Horus looking at her in a different way. When he began to hint that he might have different employment for her now that she was “blossoming”, she knew she needed to skip town. [i]Palatta is situated between two small mountain ranges near the equator of Azalea. It was first established as a mining town, but the mines have long since been stripped bare of their jewelled fruits. Few travelling merchants still pass through, for the area surrounding the village is rocky, barren, and stark, one of the few bare spots on the planet. The one road passing through Palatta and between the mountains is navigable, but hard-going.[/i] Mirany stole as much food and water as she could carry in her one knapsack and escaped into the night. She knew Horus would hate to lose such a promising prostitute and would be looking for her, so she opted to forgo the road in favor of the treacherous rocks parallel to it. She climbed her way around the mountains, using her sure, nimble fingers to support her light weight. She ran out of food and water two days before she reached the next village. For the next seven years, she moved from town to town, city to city, stealing to provide for herself. She spent most of her free time reading in public libraries and practicing her own form of parkour to exercise. [b][i][color=a187be]Trivia[/color][/i][/b]: Mirany can bench-press about 130 lbs--a little over her own body weight. She is an excellent climber. She is skilled at sleight-of-hand and uses this talent to amuse children, with whom she is otherwise awkward. She only allows herself one bit of vanity--she always keeps her hair long. It is her favorite part of her appearance. Her name is pronounced “MEER-uh-knee”. [b][i][color=a187be]Cover job[/color][/i][/b]: She works as an electrician for the city. She climbs streetlights and scales buildings to repair broken lights and replace burnt-out ones. She enjoys the work because she supervises herself and can work in her own time. [b][i][color=a187be]Relationships[/color][/i][/b] [b][i][color=a187be]Nero[/color][/i][/b]: Mirany appreciates his switch in attitude when he’s on the job; it is the first thing about him that earned him her trust. He understands her tendency to communicate non-verbally. The two often greet each other with an elbow to the ribs or a slap on the back. She also likes to occasionally knock his cigarette out of his hand in an effort to get him to quit. [b][i][color=a187be]Blair[/color][/i][/b]: She treats Blair as the little sister she never had. Even though she’s only a couple of years older, Mirany feels protective of Blair and uses her own quiet, coaxing manner to get Blair to relax. They can fall into a perfectly comfortable silence when together. Mirany tries to be a calming influence on her when Blair is angry or frustrated. [b][i][color=a187be]Gideon[/color][/i][/b]: She tolerates him. Something about his arrogance rubs her the wrong way. She likes to say something sarcastic and cutting when he says something particularly self-important. Sometimes during their interactions, when she feels her eyes simply cannot roll back any further in her sockets, she simply gets up, walks away, and ignores him completely for a while. However, she admires his extraordinary skills, almost despite herself. [b][i][color=a187be]Saga[/color][/i][/b]: Mirany works well with Saga when on a mission, but keeps her distance as soon as the mission is over. She senses that Saga worries about Mirany’s nightmares, and Mirany does not want that discussion to happen. She has mixed feelings when Saga gives her occasional "post-fight" talks, as she appreciates the criticism, but not the scolding. [b][i][color=a187be]Dianthe[/color][/i][/b]: Dianthe's affinity for frilly clothing elicited a single raised eyebrow from Mirany when they first met, but Mirany soon learned there was more to the princess than frippery. She admires Dianthe's spunk, though she thinks the redhead could tone it down a bit in certain situations. Mirany often asks Dianthe's help with translations, but otherwise steers clear of the princess to avoid her uncanny internal lie-detector.