Okay so this filled amazingly fast. I'm honestly shocked at the reception and how fast edits and revisions went for people as well. I figured we'd have a submission period for a few days at least, but then again it was only going to be six members too. Well, in any case. To start with, the roleplay will begin tomorrow evening (Thursday, since I'm US Eastern Standard Time). Since the cast is filled I see no reason to prolong the beginning of the story. Next, the magic system. Full detail will be in the character tab in the first post, but I will explain it a bit right here as well. As was stated in the OP, magic is able to be wielded by those that are branded. The members of the Kingsglaive are branded individuals and the only ones known to be branded on the world of Azalea. Their existence was, and is, kept a secret because the president of Algareth and his inner circle do not know how the general society would react to the truth of the brands legend. Each Kingsglaive member has an affinity for a specific element of magic. This affinity corresponds to the type of magic they use, as you've no doubt put together. What is different about this however, is they cannot manipulate the elements they have an affinity for to their liking. Each member is able to conjure and cast spells specific to the element they have an affinity for. The section I place in the character tab will have a list of spells corresponding to each element. You are to choose two for your character and add them to your character sheets under a new category labeled "Magic". As the RP progresses and the characters grow stronger, you'll be able to add more spells, but here's the other twist. The legends in the RP note that a significant price had to be paid amongst the branded to use magic. That price is vitality. Using magic shortens the lifespan of the branded user. Every time your character decides to use a spell, for example, you'll be risking the chance to be randomly knocked unconscious and/or injured. The story effect of this price will unfold over time, but that's the immediate effect in combat. I'm gonna start work on this magic section tonight, but it might not be up until tomorrow. Finally, relationships. The characters have been part of the Kingsglaive for three years at the open of the RP and they have completed many missions together. They don't live together, but are called upon when a mission requiring their skill arises. Each member has a cover job (this can be whatever you want) as they can't be part of any regular military lest their true identities be revealed. If you guys want, you can work out some specific quirks of association between your characters before the RP goes live tomorrow. If not, we can just improvise in the IC (mentioning old missions, speaking informally, etc.). I think that's all I got for now. If any of you guys have questions, don't hesitate to ask me. Oh, and one more thing actually: Who got Dark Souls 3 and is currently getting their ass whipped like me?!