"Evil, darkness, cruelty, bloodshed and death, all come to this land." A dark wolf said in glee his orange/red eyes glittering as he walked around, not too sure nor caring where he and his companion, a smaller white wolf followed him. Lucifer was bouncing here and there not focusing enough to stop just anywhere. He could feel the evil in his body, it reacting deliciously to it. "Really Lucifer, must you react so....jubilantly to this news? I find it quite frightening." Angel, Lucifer's twin and equal scolded. He pounced on top of his sister smiling. "Of course sister mine. I was born from these thoughts and fears. So I must enjoy it while they're around. After all, they do disappear around you as well." He said sighing dramatically. As those that were good feared him, those that were evil feared his sister Angel. She was created from the pureness that were dreams. He was born out of fear and evil that was nightmares. "Right. So what are we doing brother? We seem not to be doing or going anywhere of importance. What is our purpose here?" "Who knows who cares? If you're so curious ask the maker." "I don't know her." "Exactly cause she don't care about us! Duh." Lucifer said exasperated as he looked at his sister upside down having tilted his head to do so continuing on their walk to no where. "Don't you dare say that." Angel said in a stern-like tone for the otherwise soft spoken one of the two. "Well, she certainly dun care about meh." He said not really caring about it causing her sister to sigh. "I'm certain no matter what, she does care about you." "HAH! I'm the thing that she fears most beyond Chaos." He said. "Would you keep it down Lucifer? Please." She begged. "It's not like people are around. Not even nature can stand to be touched by me see?" Lucifer said stepping near the light the earth seeming to move beyond his touch the fear and negative emotions that the dark wolf produced making even the nature wary of him where as Angel's way seemed to be bloomed with flowers and the like as she brought a soothing nature and loving emotions. Angel licks his cheek getting close to him. "Well I like you, and I'm asking you for our safety. Keep your big scary mouth shut. For your sister?" She asks cutely causing Lucifer to roll his eyes. "Quit with the cutesy stuff, it makes me sick to my stomach." He grumbles making her giggle.