Nikki shifted her weight, sending her glider into a tight banking turn. She'd done a minor task for someone earlier, and earned a bit of money, and there were probably other things she /could/ do, but she wasn't in the mood. Instead she was soaring over town, looking for something interesting to get involved in. The wind flowing around her was invigorating, and she angled into a dive, picking up enough speed that she was able to execute a loop, or at least the closest to one she'd ever managed so far. It came off more like a stall into a flip, but the sensation of weightlessness at the top was exhilarating and far made up for the awkward appearance of the trick. A glint of armor caught the girl's eye as she leveled out again. Was that...? It was! Gaius, and it looked like he had his hands full with Forrest. Nikki let out a peal of laughter, and circled lower. Poor Forrest, he actually let the knight catch up with him again? Seemed like he'd been caught in the act, instead of deliberately raising the alarm after successfully obtaining whatever he'd been after. It was no good getting seen if you didn't have enough of a head start to go on a nice chase, after all. Not that she hadn't slipped up enough to be grabbed quickly herself on multiple occasions, but that was far less /fun/. As she spiralled overhead, watching the scene play out below, Nikki cracked up again as Eli in his glider nearly bowled Gaius over. His might be faster than hers -- not that she'd ever admit it -- but hers was lighter and far more maneuverable. If she wanted pure speed, all she needed to do was dive. Oh, but she'd have to tease him about that near miss later~! Something about knocking over tin cans, perhaps? She let the thought flit away for later consideration, as Gaius's path met up with someone else she enjoyed giving a hard time. Blank! No sooner did she catch sight of him than she was flipping herself into a roll to change direction and lining up her approach. Then she dove down, down, down, pulling up /just/ in time and flipping the lever that let her glider's wings collapse to the main body. That allowed her to drop to the ground neatly a mere yard or two from the other teen, landing a bit harder than she intended but she was used to that by now and just grunted a bit. Straightening up with a bright smile, she sauntered over to fall in next to Blank. "Where ya heading?" Nikki asked him, completely ignoring Gaius's less-than-pleased reaction to the second low-flying glider in a short span of time.