The Cornerstone was proving to be much less hectic than the bars Reiji typically found himself at, as the clientele had been mostly docile and it was actually possible to hear one’s own thoughts. And speaking of which, the guy was finding that he was actually enjoying his time behind the counter. Bartending had always been one of the jobs he enjoyed the most, as it put him in the thick of the action and led to him meeting plenty of interesting people, but this place had a particular charm to it unlike most other bars he had worked before. Between the well-worn character it had and the smooth jazz playing in the background, the place had a cozy atmosphere that he was appreciating thoroughly. That and he respected Scott’s stance on how best to deal with the unfortunate few drunk and disorderly individuals that wanted to ruin that atmosphere. With his hair tied back in a small ponytail and a rather [url=]respectable outfit [/url] on, the guitarist looked a bit more approachable than he usually did. After all, it would hardly be conducive for business if he was scaring off customers rather than serving them. And seeing how he had just finished up his work in the back, he was going to need to do just that. Rubbing the exhaustion out of his eyes, a lovely consequence from the night before, Reiji made his way back to the front of the bar. Within moments of opening the door, it quickly became clear that things had been picking up while he was in the back room. Scott’s attention was being pulled every which way by different customers, but the punk had to hand it to him because the guy didn’t even look bothered by it. [color=red]”I’ll take care of those two over there boss-man,”[/color] he told the gruff guy with a light tap on his shoulder and a small head jerk in the direction of the blondie and brunette. As he got closer, Reiji put on a small smile for the two. The brunette’s flirting made it become a smirk, but he merely shook his head rather than play along. It was easy to tell the two were good friends from their banter, even if the blonde was trying so very hard to glare at the brunette. Without even raising an eyebrow at their order, Reiji produced the requested drinks in seconds, returning the blonde’s smile when he got back. [color=red]”Alright, alright. Here you are ladies, although I am required to tell you that if you want anything more adventurous tonight I’ll need to see some ID’s,”[/color] he informed the two politely. It was difficult to gauge whether they were legal quite yet, but he was not willing to take any chances as Scott had made it quite clear that he would skin him alive if he served alcohol to minors. And call him a wuss if you must, but the red head had grown rather fond of keeping his skin where it was. [@Knight of Doom]