Name: Permathiyra, the Boundless Race: Spirit of Darkness Appearance: [hider=Darkness] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider] Info: Much like the Demons that follow him, Permathiyra is a Cruel and Violent spirit. Thriving off of the suffering of others, he is at his strongest when he is around those who are full of fear or feeding off the cruelty of others. Strongest within the Shadows, he does not often show himself to his followers unless he sees an opportunity to corrupt them or feed off of their hatred. [b][color=skyblue]_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [/b] Name: Miselian Race: Spirit of light Appearance: [hider=Light] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider] Info: Light hearted and happy to help anyone in need, Miselian is a loving spirit who answers to anyone who calls upon her without any ill intention. She are strongest in the presence of those with pure intentions and no ill will towards others without a justified reason. As the harbinger of Light, Miselian relishes the kindness in others and seeks to nurture it as often as she can. [b][color=skyblue]_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [/b] Name: Farenthal Race: Spirit of Earth Appearance: [hider=Earth] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider] Info: Often spoken of as the White Stag in most myths, Farenthal wanders the forests of Tellus without much care to who may see him. Unable to die, he fears nothing of hunters and enjoys taunting them on occasion, trying to goad them into a chase. When he is not toying with hunters, the Spirit only shows himself to those he feels worthy of his presence, often limiting that to the Druids who protect his forests. [b][color=skyblue]_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [/b] Name: Entayannos Race:Spirit of Fire Appearance: [hider=Fire] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider] Info: Full of anger and pride, Entayannos is probably one of the most violent out of all of the spirits. Quick to anger, he resides in the volcanic lands within Bastillus, typically refusing to speak or interact with any of his followers due to his inability to tolerate what he feels like is constant stupidity with all the questions. On the off chance he does not kill those who brave the visit to him right off the bat, he typically allows each Lycanthrope to ask him one question or request one favor before sending them on their way, sometimes with minor burns. [b][color=skyblue]_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [/b] Name: Genidoris Race: Spirit of Water Appearance: [hider=Water] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider] Info: Bubbly and always looking for something fun, Genidoris enjoys her time within the water surrounding the major cities of Nymphe, sometimes coaxing random nymphs to play. When she was not playing around, she simply occupies herself with floating around and messing with the currents beneath the water. Attracted to those who have a passion for collecting knowledge and are kind towards others, Genidoris is probably the most playful of all the spirits. [b][color=skyblue]_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [/b] Name: Meifeng Race: Spirit of Wind Appearance: [hider=Wind] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider] Info: Both peaceful but also prone to bursts of anger, Meifeng is one of the spirits that tend to be much freer than the rest with her ideals. While she is not fond of those who commit heinous acts, she understands that not every action can completely avoid being questionable. Drawn to those who are neither here nor there, she tends to favor those who are free spirited and do not necessarily belong anywhere or call anyplace home.