Dazos, you've built up a strawman so high I think it's probably scaring birds away in a ten mile radius. [quote=@Dazsos] The fight was to be [b]regulated [/b]by a judge, not T1EA, which wasn't mentioned until later. Say I didn't know anything about T1EA (you probably will say that), so I don't have a specific named ruleset to point at when I say I wanna' play a ranked match. This is wrong, it indicates that you can only fight in a ranked setting if you know about T1EA, or another mechanical version of rules, which isn't mentioned as being mandatory. Surely that's elitist, if it's not required but enforced anyways. [/quote] How was it going to be regulated by a judge, if there were no rules? It's elitist to say you can only fight in a ranked setting if you know the rules? I literally face palmed, here's an analogy to point out how wrong this is. 'It's elitist to say I can't participate in this football tournament just because I don't know how to play football and started punching people in the face and throwing the ball into the net rather than kicking it.' No it isn't, it's common sense. If you don't know the rules of a game, you can't fucking play it. I don't care if people play conkers with their chess pieces in unranked, but if ranked play is to mean a damned thing then the people participating (at least in the same damn match) have to be using a common rule-set or it's not a competition any more, it's just 'doing shit.' [quote] You've only proven how T1EA isn't perfectly fair or catered to the unique, so why should I want to accept the rules of something that can be seen as illogical, or has mechanical glitches that nobody is willing to rework at this current date in time? [/quote] No shit, but T1E is still the best that exists, because it covers loads of other issues, for example stopping Corban from instantly killing your character, despite his power-set reasonably allowing him to do just that. I don't see you complaining that Corban couldn't instantly kill you, not to mention it was T1E that allowed you to request to see his sheets powers, even after you accepted it being vague at first. You can abandon it if you want, but you have to replace it with -something- that is fair. You can't expect an opponent to accept you having a special rule-set that isn't balanced in the slightest. All you had to do to avoid this was decide on a ruleset in the first damned place. What were you doing? Divinity obviously felt that T1E was the default, what did you think you were fighting under? Magic Dazsos rules? [quote] I'd rather get rid of it all together from my life, and instead entrust judgment to someone who is catering their own time to reading over my fight, someone I know and trust to make a solid decision.[/quote] That's nice, I have no fucking idea how you expect a judge to make that judgement without any rules to go by other than some vague idea of 'logic rules lolol but no instant killz plz m8' not to mention you completely fucking ignored Innue's 'ruling' and continued to insult your opponent. [quote]It was a judged ranked fight. There's a flaming icon saying 'ranked' next to this topic's title, and someone willing to say they'll judge who wins. [/quote] That's great, but you didn't decide on any rules, so your judge was worthless. Not to mention anyone can say a fight is ranked, it only becomes ranked when Rilla decides who wins, that's how Mahz made it so that's how it works. I hope you enjoyed this condescending experience, I no longer feel any lingering respect for you from defeating Lyzan long ago to humour your shitty debating, so you get the full Melon experience.