[center][h2][color=7bcdc8]Chroma Now at the front of the bank[/color][/h2][/center] Chroma stalked over to Scourge, Spencer, and Chimera, petulantly putting his earpiece back in. He stood next to them fuming for a bit, his mind lingering on his failure, and the inability of his teammates to rectify it in a timely manner. Nathan's voice came on over the earpiece carrying with it instructions, and Chroma let out a shaky sigh. "Lets get going then," He said sullenly. [h3][center][color=9db0ee]Scourge Bank Alley[/color][/center][/h3] Scourge watched Spencers face to gauge whether she was joking or not. Unfortunately he couldn't tell. Before he could say anything else, Chimera approached them. She rapid fired questions, and Scourge ignored all of them excluding the last one. [b][color=5db0ee]"Nice to see you too!"[/color][/b] He replied, smiling widely, Spencer's stress inducing antics momentarily forgotten. He went through the questions in his head again, and realized Chimera asked about Spencer. [b][color=5db0ee]"This is Spencer, Spencer this is Chimera, Chimera, Spencer has powers, and was acting [i]very[/i] suspicious at the crime scene,"[/color][/b] As he finished, Nathan spoke into his ear, and Chroma approached them. [b][color=5db0ee]"I agree with Chroma,"[/color][/b] He said, [b][color=5db0ee]"Lets let the true superheroes take over from here."[/color][/b] [center][color=#A1E5DD][h2]Nathan Ward HQ[/h2][/color][/center] Nathan nodded understandingly, clearly not angry. [color=f6989d][b]"That's okay, really. Considering the situation the other Wards were in, your presence wouldn't have made the combat any safer, or led to the capture of any villains."[/b][/color] It was a straight faced lie, her presence would've undoubtedly led to a capture of the three villains, even the stranger. Despite this, getting angry about her mistake would fix absolutely nothing. [color=f6989d][b]"In the meantime you could get a briefing from HR, and a debriefing from PR. They'll be happy to fill you in, though they may wait till the others arrive"[/b][/color] Nathan suggested, looking about the room for anything of interest, contraband for instance. As the Wards were literally the poster children of the Protectorate, it was important that they were never found to be preforming illicit acts.