Jethro kept his head down... He didn't quite know what to do at the moment, then, he felt a hand on his shoulder, followed by a familiar voice. Jethro turned around to see one of his off-time customers... The people that came to him when he was at home to get their pokemon healed. He quite remembered the woman by the state of her pokemon. Apart from the sickness the espeon had been suffering from at the time, it had been in exceptional physical condition. Jethro didn't know much about the woman herself, but he always remembered people that still trie to take care of their pokemon. "Oh... please, just go. I don't want to get you involved." As if to mock his intent to keep the woman out of this. Before he could elaborate, the ground beneath him started shaking. This quite confused and worried Jethro. New York wasn't very seismically active. The ground died down for a moment, then started shaking. He saw lights going out everwhere around him. Streetlights shattered as if by an extreme power surge. Lights went out in the homes around him. The city was thrown into darkness. "Gah! first people fall into my home asking for painkillers, now this? did the big apple suddenly turn insane or something?!" He checked the man's pulse. He seemed stable... even ready to wake up. then suddendly, the man jolted upright, blabbering about creatures of legend... and his own pokemon, before vomiting all over the ground and falling back into unconciousness. Luckily for the man, Jethro had been monitoring the Houndour... or at least A.C. was. The porygon's encyclopedic medical knowledge made it quite a good asisstant for just a situation such as this. The porygon hadn't made a single alarm sound. Just to make sure, Jethro checked the pulse of the houndour as well. It was stabilized, much like its owner. "Alright...can one of you stop standing around and help me carry him? this guy is in no condition to walk and I need to get him to a medical facility... a hospital... anything!" Then Jethro realized. No medical equipment would do him any good, not with the current power outage... The hospitals must be in utter pandemonium right now. He rapidly thought through the possible location that had backup power... The only place close by he could think of was quite a gamble. A regime compound in central park. The place was quite likely to have medicines, portable equipment. The place was usually quite guarded, but maybe he could slip in and out without being noticed with all the chaos the power outage brought with it. As he decided, he saw something in the sky that reminded him of what he had believed to just be wild rumors up until now. An enormous bird, radiant like a lightning bolt and wreathed in arcing electricity. Behind it, a flock of all sorts of other pokemon followed. Jethro had heard things about the wardenclyffe compound in central park. About the things that went on inside. A snippet overheard in passing here, a security pokemon zapped with electricity; with an attached incident report that seemed just a little too open and close to have actually taken place. Yet here he stood, watching a creature of urban legend soaring through the sky... Judging by its angle... it indeed came from central park. "We need to get him to the wardenclyffe compound in central park! It's the only place I can think of right now that has acces to medical equipment in the middle of this pandemonium!" A chittering beeping was heard seemingly in response to Jethro's orders. A.C. stared at its owner in a look that was unmistakenly disapproving, even for its robotic eyes. Despite the awkward bond the pokemon had with its master, there was still quite a bit of loyalty to the regime hardcoded into its very being. Still, Jethro's commands had first priority... at least for now.