[center][h1][i][b]Last of Us[/b][/i][/h1] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3647691]Temporary barring further interest[/url] [img]http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2012/12/14/24724/big_thumb_dc19bca04c3130a25c65c93ad33b5bf3.jpg[/img][hr] 2112: Cryus Corporation announced the successful creation of the first independent AI machine. The bankrupt corporation quickly skyrocketed to the most powerful entity in the world. Mass distribution of the machines are assembled in undisclosed locations. 2115: The machines have been further refined for cheaper assembly. Almost every household now owns a personal machine. 2116: Ethics Community created to protect the rights of the machines. However, human bias of the committee made each law work in the interest of mankind. Machine sympathizers began riots in the streets. Minor domestic disturbances, only a few deaths reported. The same cannot be said of the machines. 2127: Learning from the past, strict rules were enforced. Law enforcement has become integrated into the Ethics Committee. Many anti-synthetic extremist carry out atrocious crimes against humanities synthetic siblings. 2129: First reported crime of murder by the hands of a machine. Law enforcement and civilian alike treat machines with heavy prejudice. Strong resentment and disregard for the platforms begin. The streets of every nation is set ablaze with violence. Initially, the machines don’t retaliate. However, it didn’t stay like that for long. 2130: Military forces are called in. The revolt of the machines have begun. Every corner of the once great megalopolises are filled with death. The machines begin to develop weapons of their own through the salvage and rapid research that they can command. Slowly, humanity is slowly losing their ground. 2131: Humanity resorts to WMDs in hopes of destroying their creations. With heavy regret, death reigns from above as whole cities are leveled. Families unable to flee to safe distances are vaporized under the extreme heat of human made missiles. However, the objective was successful. The machines were halted... for now. 2133: Earth has become polluted with radiation and nuclear winters. Humanity has quickly fled to underground cities. There, new generations are born. Life goes on, but new dangers have arrived. 2135: First encounter with the mutated has been confirmed. Studies have confirmed the infectivity of a bite from the infected. Anatomy has revealed that and saliva or any particle of blood can cause immediate infection. Infectees are enraged and show extreme aggression as do they have superior speed. All combat personnel are ordered to kill on sight. Distance kills recommended. 2137 (Present Day): Humanity has lost any hope in reclaiming the surface. The infected and the machines have supremacy. Contact has been lost with many underground cities while surface settlements have also been lost. The population is slowly diminishing. The golden age of humans is over.[hr] [b][i][u]Premise[/u][/i][/b] You, the survivors of the great calamity, have survived natural selection and are the last hope of humanity. Being part of the city residing underneath the appalachian mountains, you are part of the elite Shadow Task Group. While on a routine patrol, a marine patrol came across intel that can possibly lead to a virus that counteracts the virus of the infected. Thus, you, a team of expert special ops and combat scientist, must traverse the great wastelands of Old Earth to the location that the intel states. Washington D.C., the site where the great war between the machines took place. Though the machines haven’t been sighted in a long time, the danger of the infected are there. You are the final hope of humanity. You cannot fail. [hider=Character Classes] Operative: Operatives are the soldiers of the Shadow Task Group. They are the ‘shoot first ask later’ type of individuals. Whenever the need to hold a spot or clear a room is needed, they’re weapons and CQC training will be the most proficient at that. Combat Scientist: Though they have trained in combat, these individuals excel at collecting samples from the field and synthesizing needed substances. These team members are absolutely essential for the mission. their lives should be placed higher than that of the other members of the S.T.G. Medical Skills: Because of the environment that each military operative lives in, each must learn self first aid and self radiation prevention administration.[/hider] [hider=Factions] [img]http://pre07.deviantart.net/50f6/th/pre/f/2015/006/2/c/frontier_buccaneers_by_johnsonting-d8ctukd.jpg[/img] [u][b]Old government[/b][/u] Existing before and during the war of the machines, the old government has long since abandoned the surface and took to the underground cities. These cities are considered the last bastion of humanity in the North America. The technology used are relics from pre-exodus. The old government consists of four main underground cities. [hider=Underground Cities (UGC)] [img]http://beforeitsnews.com/mediadrop/uploads/2015/26/6a2a8464ba9d9598637f7d35e23b1101d526f654.jpg[/img] UGC-Alpha: Located at Mount Weather, Alpha is the main UGC for old government operations. Tasked with maintaining a strong military innovations, the amount of fire power present is astronomical. Though each UGC has their own standing army, the Joint Chiefs of Staff are located here. Mount Weather is also where the last of humanity's nuclear capabilties reside. [img]http://media.moddb.com/images/games/1/22/21563/UndegroundCity-big.png[/img] UGC-Bravo: Located at the very tip of Minnesota, Bravo spearheads scientific innovations and explorations to ensure countermeasures are in place against the machines. The brightest minds are often sent here. Bravo is integral to the continuation of the old government. [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/a757/f/2009/174/6/c/underground_city_by_gamefan84.jpg[/img] UGC-Theta: Located in Georgia, Theta is in charge of munitions and food production. [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/6/65/Aenar_underground_city.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070219073830&path-prefix=en[/img] UGC-Echo: Located in Los Angeles, Echo maintains power and water needs and sends them to the other UGC cities via air transportation. [/hider] [img]https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/2841584/Metro-2033-Redux---Announce-3.1400708186.jpg[/img] [u][b]Refugees[/b][/u] Civilians who were not able to escape to a underground city in time. They walk the lands salvaging and surviving the best that they can. Some settlements have been created, but their existence is brief. From what intelligence could gather, two settlements of note exist in Los Angeles and Boston. [img]http://img0.joyreactor.cc/pics/post/full/Killzone-Shadow-Fall-Hellgast-%D0%98%D0%B3%D1%80%D1%8B-%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0-Scolar-Visari-1163514.jpeg[/img] [u][b]New Republic Order[/b][/u] Closely resembling the Fourth Reich that sprouted up during the machine wars, these fanatics strive to create a government based on absolute totalitarian authority. Their forces are ruthless as they are merciless. Like their forefathers, the NRO adhere to the principles of Aryan superiority. Children are indoctrinated and those who were undesirable were weeded out. Every citizen has a role in their fortress cities and lateral movement between roles are rarely observed. Discipline is strict. With the trials being under the sole discretion of the NRO party members, the accused are either arrested to be lab experiments, executed post public humiliation, or put into work camps that rarely released those who were put in there. [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/c353/th/pre/i/2014/187/0/3/the_blight_infected_mutant_lvl_3_by_mlappas-d7pk0pg.jpg[/img] [u][b]Infected[/b][/u] Mutated humans whom have been twisted beyond human recognition. They are feral and seek to attack anything that does not contain the virus mutation. [img]http://cromoart.de/wordpress/wp-content/uploads//2012/04/apocalyptic_soldier_by_markusvogt-d33hy4q.jpg[/img] [u][b]The Machines[/b][/u] Arch enemy of humanity, these artificial beings have far surpassed the technology of their creators. Though they haven’t been actively attacking their human tyrants, they are still active in the east as they are in the west. For now, they remain silent until a suitable time to re-ignite the sparks of war is convenient for them.[/hider] [u][b]Expectations[/b][/u] As per advanced section guidelines, those should be followed as well as overall guild rules. Please refresh as needed. However, quantity should not be mistaken for quality. There is no set posting order or timeline. Exercise judgment when to post or wait for another to reply. If, however, you should be gone for an extended period of time, please notify myself or the Co-GM. I will reach out via PM two weeks without activity. If a month goes by without any activity from you, I will exercise my right to kill off your character after one last try to establish communication. Collaboration with other characters is highly encouraged. Otherwise, respect another's character. Do not write another characters thoughts, reactions, or anything your character wouldn't know of another. However, physical reactions of physically interacting with another character is fine. An example (your perspective is Jackson): [hider=Good Example] Jackson ran towards the low wall. Slamming against it for cover, he checked his weapon. Less than a clip left. The last of his squad - Pvt. Davidson - covered his six as bullets pelted into the low wall. He laughed and shook his head. "No running from this one," he said. Popping up, Jackson fired off a few shots before ducking back down. "Private!" Jackson shoved Davidson hard on his back as an explosive landed near his feet. He jumped on top of it.[/hider] [hider=Bad Example] Jackson ran towards the low wall. Slamming against it for cover, he checked his weapon. Less than a clip left. The last of his squad - Pvt. Davidson - covered his six as bullets pelted into the low wall. He laughed and shook his head. "No running from this one," he said. Popping up, Jackson fired off a few shots before ducking back down. "Private!" Jackson shoved Davidson hard on his back as an explosive landed near his feet. He jumped on top of it. Davidson was pissed. He didn't know there was a explosive ticking down to go off. About to tell Jackson to go fuck himself, he felt the concussive force of the explosive. He looked back. The Sergeant was nothing but a pile of meat. He relieved himself of morning chow as it spewed across the ground.[/hider] This roleplay is very linear with specific story points outlined by myself and the Co-GM. There will be points of freedom to wander about and conduct indepedent action if you'd like. However, we have a story, and we'll be following it. If you have a suggestion on a story plot, PM either GMs. We'll talk. Romance is not at all an emphasis in this story. If you'd like to incorporate it, it'll be minimal. There's no time for love in war. Certainly not for this squad. Bear that in mind. If you're not having fun, let us know. We'll either talk about it and find a remedy or simply part ways. If you should not alert either GMs to this, either of us will exercise the 'kill order' expectation with much enthusiam. Emulating a squad setting, we're looking for 4-5 characters excluding GM characters and NPCs. This is not first come first serve. GMs will post the final roster post character acceptance date, which is to be announced.[hr] [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Age[/b]: [i]Minimum Age of STG is 18. The general age range is 22-27. The maximum age of STG is 36. Officers range is 26-36. General numbers to help guide you.[/i] [b]Home City:[/b] [i]Where was your character born. All character's are old enough to have been born outside the UGCs[/i] [b]Pre-fall occupation (if any)[/b]: [i]What did your character do before things went apocalyptic? Professions applies for those born at 2112 or prior.[/i] [b]Rank[/b]: [b]Military Doctrine[/b]: [i]Is your character an operative? A combat scientist?[/i] [b]Appearance[/b]: [i]Realistic photos if you opt not to do description. Keep said photos consistent with the timeline. Do not use a Roman Legionnaire picture in other words.[/i] [b]Equipment[/b]: [i]Armor, weapons, and extra equipment goes here.[/i] [b]Training[/b]: [i]Give some background on your characters military history. If you would to create a sub-speciality under operative or combat scientist, this is the place to do it. Feel free to work with either GMs on feasibility of sub-spec.[/i] [b]Skills[/b]: [i]Be creative. Be diverse. All character will have combat ability. Think outside the box. What makes the character unique?[/i] [b]Personality[/b]: [b]Backstory[/b]: [/hider][/center]