[center] [color=DarkSlateGray][h1][i]Aya Kagamine[/i][/h1][/color][hr][hr][b]• A Night at Mochavine •[/b][hr][hr][/center] It seemed that the heavily breathing woman was, well, fine after all. Just a simple roll of the ankle while she was running. And hey, at least Aya had done her deed scaring away the pigeons properly, according to this young woman. It was an odd thing for her to say, but oddly a little reassuring. The nod that the giant of a man gave to her was also quite reassuring. She didn't intend to cause such a scene, she just wanted to… chase pigeons. Without anybody seeing her. And without getting angry at said person seeing her. At least now, the heartfelt embarrassment from before washed away to Aya's shore of other embarrassing moments. Uttering a swift goodbye to the red haired giant and the silver haired man who was only slightly taller than her, Aya managed to break through into the busy streets in less than two minutes. Thank God for her spindly spider legs. [hr] The rest of Aya's day off would hurry along just as she had predicted: spending a bit too much money at the convenience store, spending even [i]more[/i] money at an on sale clothing store, hiding in her favourite corner of a nearby bookstore, and eventually reflecting back on said previous events and complaining about how the day went way too quickly. Seriously, it was carefree days like this that passed so fast it was undoubtedly unfair. Once she had stumbled into her apartment and collapsed into her bed, Aya let out a long, heavy sigh. It wasn't just the huge amount of bag carrying that seemed to tire her, though. Just the thought of what happened in the morning seemed to pull her at her brain in completely different directions. Aya would then spend the rest of her oh so valuable hours snuggled up in her bed, scrolling through useless websites on her phone and impaling her eardrums with a wonderful array of songs. She wouldn't realise how fast time had passed until she woke up from her nap at around eight in the evening. She hadn't actually realised that she had fallen asleep either. All that embracing heat under her bed covers was enough to put Aya under a God-knows-how-many-hours long sleep. But, now that she had recovered from her mad mess of a morning and her amazingly average afternoon, what else was there to do? She was feeling quite restless and weirdly empty now, and the sun was beginning to set as she mentally spoke. To relieve herself from her restlessness, Aya decided another stroll in the park would be fulfilling. It was still bright enough for her to walk around without her tripping over her own two feet in the dark, and it wasn't like she was going to get roasted again in today's chosen outfit. Hopefully the temperature would have cooled down a little to the point where Aya didn't feel like she was walking around in a giant sauna. So, a short stroll in the park (again) it was. And when Aya meant short, she meant short. Her giraffe legs managed to carry her around around the park rapidly, and soon enough she found herself in the same spot where she had scared away the pigeons. The egg sandwich was still there, too. Aya could feel the hairs on her neck prickle up. Funnily enough, the music she had been listening to through her earphones decided to drop some intense battle music, which was literally calling Aya to start some sort of fight with this rotting piece of egg and bread. She didn't, of course. That would be silly, and less logical than chasing a bunch of pigeons into oblivion. A short stroll in the park wouldn't be enough to satisfy Aya, however. There had to be something else, something else that would make this evening totally worth it. Heck, she was even crazy enough to consider trying out Club Lush downtown, seeing all the hype in its advertisements and visitors. But she wasn't a fan of whipping her head around to music in a vast crowd of people she didn't even know. She preferred whipping her head around to music alone and out of sight. Maybe a night at Mochavine would be a much better decision. Mochavine was always a place Aya could linger around if she needed some peace and quiet. Sure, it wasn't always quiet, but she cherished the moments that were. Accompanied with a cappuccino in her hand and music smoothing out her clustered mind, it was the perfect place for her to relax and write. It was late, but Aya didn't care. She sat down at a small table with a cappuccino in her hand and music smoothing out her clustered mind, sighing softly after each sip of her drink. Her whole body felt warm and fuzzy, as if she was wearing one of her large wooly jumpers at the back of her wardrobe. The heartwarming cappuccino just gave her a sense of tranquility and peace, and the feeling that this evening wouldn't be turned upside down by a flock of pigeons and a stinking egg sandwich.