[center][h3]Brynn Wild[/h3][/center] Grimm struggled slightly to keep up with my walking pace, practically having to run every so often when he'd fall a little too far behind. It made me laugh a little, but I wouldn't let the laughter slip past my lips. One, didn't know who was watching me from the shadows, and two, Grimm got his feelings hurt quite easily. [i]That's a cubone, for you.[/i] I unclip Grimm's ball from inside my vest and stop, turning back to him. [b]"Come on, Grimm. Take a rest, huh?"[/b] At my offer, Grimm seemed to force a smile and reluctantly stop in his tracks, grunting softly. [b]"Bone."[/b] I half smile back at him and click the button and withdraw him, safely tucking him away in his rightful place. Turning back the way I'd been traveling with the only light guiding my way was the moon, when not covered by the dark clouds above. Suddenly, a loud, ear-piercing screech filled the skies, as well as a bright glowing mass of a pokemon soaring over the city. [b]Zapdos.[/b] [i]'Holy hell,'[/i] I mused in thought, watching as the gigantic bird disappeared and the streets came to life with light. Before I could make a move, a good dozen pokemon, or two, ran through the city street past me, seeming to be chasing the beasty in the skies. From a distance, I could hear voices. Some shouting, and others just simply talking. Curiosity took its hold of me, and I couldn't help myself. Running to the corner of the street, I stopped and peaked around the building. [i]People! Where the hell were they five minutes ago?[/i] I slowly step out into view, walking down the street among them until suddenly I spot a Regime soldier. Not one, but at least half a dozen in plain sight. My stomach suddenly dropped down to my toes. [i]'Fuck me,'[/i] I thought as I averted my eyes to the ground and kept walking, glad I'd put Grimm away before making my way through the lot. My feet were aching from walking throughout the night, and my stomach hurt something awful but I wasn't ready to give up yet, especially not here. I rub my eyes gently and look back around. Most of the regime had disappeared, some still sticking around checking up on the few people standing around their doorways, and others walking among the few who now walked the streets. Talk of the legendary beast seemed to be what, literally every single person that passed was stuck on. Through the discussions, I heard a voice speaking of New York itself turning insane, [i]'or something'[/i]. Moments passed as I tried pinpointing the very conversation, attempting to locate it's source. [color=tan][i][b]"-One of you stop standing around and help me carry him? This guy is in no condition to walk and I need to get him to a medical facility. A hospital, anything!"[/b][/i][/color] There it was again, but closer! I look around and lock eyes with a group of soldiers heading directly towards me. An alleyway just to my left seemed to be my quickest route of escape. I took it, keeping the soldiers in sight and suddenly, [i]smack![/i] I stumble back a step and quickly apologize, looking over the back of the person I'd run into. [@Whimsley] Tall, definitely over 6'0" with jet black hair, so black it seemed to have a hint of blue to it. Peeking around the man, I found myself stumbling into much more than just a single man. 6 people. 7 pokemon. I spot the Regime soldier, and step back a bit more, taking a look at the others surrounding him. They didn't look Regime, not even sympathizers. [b]"Is this all your doing? What happened to him?"[/b] Not that I particularly cared for the Regime scum, but I [i]was[/i] curious as to what the hell was going on. With soldiers on their way soon to pass the alleyway's entrance, I couldn't help but be slightly panicked at the thought of them seeing me amongst these people and a soldier of theirs lying unconscious on the ground. [@natsucooldude] [@DarthSeverus394] [@The Grey Dust] [@SnowLeopard] [@Bigg Slamm]