Artemis stood on a roof with an arrow notched in her bow as she aimed down below at a man trying to mug someone else. Before she could take the shot though another arrow hit and electrocuted the man, knocking him out allowing the victim to run away unharmed. Artemis huffed as she slipped the arrow into her quiver and looked to the roof of the building across the alleyway just in time to see Green Arrow jumping across the gap between the roofs. When he landed he turned and grinned at Artemis who stared back at him with her arms crossed in annoyance. "I had it covered you know." She told the hero who let out a chuckle. "I know you did but you have other things you are supposed to be doing right now or have you forgotten?" GA asked the girl. "No I have not forgotten I was just making a pit stop..." Artemis replied even though she knew he had probably been watching her as she jumped from roof to roof looking for crimes to stop so she could put off going to the new teams headquarters. "Well you have had one long pit stop so I think it is time you head off to meet your team." GA told the girl, he then watched as the reluctance to go made its way onto her face. She wasn't usually one to show her emotions but GA was basically the only exception which meant she showed him the way she was feeling from time to time. GA let out a sigh and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, everything will be ok. This is a new chapter in your life Artemis, you can't let your past keep you from your future. If after a month or two you still don't really like working with the team you can come and work with Black Canary, Red Arrow and I. But that's only if you really give this a try. Now you should be on your way or else you will be late." Artemis nodded sending a small smile in GA's direction before she put her bow in its holder on her back. She then took off jumping from roof to roof to reach the edge of the city. Once she got to the last building she made her way down the fire escape. She then uncovered her motorcycle and climbed on before driving off to the tower. Once she arrived at the tower she parked the motorcycle and made her way into the building. Artemis made her way through the building until she got to the main room. Upon entering the main room her face hardened to hide her emotions and she made her way to a wall and leaned against it, not yet bothering to interact with the others.