[@Dracogenius] [@Wisp] Cain gave Picard a polite nod and soft smile as the the younger man made his intentions to walk alongside the bishop known. The trip was as rapid as it was uneventful, as both parties moved along the fastest route they had available to them and focused solely on getting to their destination in as timely a manner as they could without going into a run. There were no words passed between the two, as both men seemed more content to focus on their own inner musings until reaching the castle walls that housed His Majesty and his sister. At the gates Cain was treated to a surprise in the form of one of his subordinates, a priest from the cathedral by the name of Leonard, holding in his hands what appeared to be Cain's vestment. The bishop's eyebrows shot up in surprise as he realized that he'd neglected to bring such an important item along. He accepted the item graciously and stood by quietly as his own subordinate gave him a brief but severe tongue lashing for his absentmindedness. Some may have found it odd, a Bishop allowing an underling to chastise him, however Cain allowed it all the same, as he truly was in the wrong to forget the item. After being allowed through the gates, Cain donned the vestment, running his gloved hands over the rich green and accents of gold that made up the silken fabric to remove any wrinkles that might have been present as he entered the building. After continuing on, the bishop found himself stalled one last time by the royal guards which stood outside of the king's study, who gave him a brief but thorough search for any hidden weapons. Cain may have been a bishop, but that did nothing to change the laws of the land, laws which very plainly stated who was and was not allowed to carry a weapon around His Majesty. With nothing left standing in his path Cain entered the study where his king await, taking approximately three steps in before he took a knee and bowed his head. "[color=0076a3]Hail his Royal Majesty, King Valentine! Hail her Royal Highness, Princess Cordelia![/color]". Cain stayed rooted to the floor, not daring to rise unless granted the permission to do so, his head dipped down further as he kept his eyes to the floor, not daring to meet the king and princess' eyes as his lips parted to speak once more, "[color=0076a3]My deepest apologies if I have been keeping you waiting Your Majesty, and the same to you, Your Highness.[/color]".