Extremely sorry about being absent, I've been working and I've recently found out my graded unit deadline is a lot sooner than I had thought. It does look like this is the pace, so I'm thinking (obviously this can be rejected by you guys) we bring our characters together to make sure something is happening with all of us. Not necessarily all of our characters, I'm running two so I'd be happy to leave one to wander and the other to mess around with the group, but for some reason no-one wants to join, which means we're going to have a smaller writer group than hoped. It's up to you guys though. Also, that OneNote thing. I'll be happy to set it up in a couple weeks if you are all content to use the IC and OP as the reference guide until then, but I don't have the time right now. I will be trying to get a post up soon if [@Double Capybara] is having time constraints. At the moment though, I am pretty busy and will be absent for a few days of the week, at the least (I imagine, anyway, but who knows), so I was considering choosing a DM to keep things on track if I can't get online. If none of you would like to be a DM, I just ask that you all keep this thing floating together until I get back and ruin your tranquillity :nat: