Lance sent the potions over to the elf, or who he thought was an elf, and took out one of his own to drink it, he chugged it on spot then sighed with relief after topping off the bottle. He felt his energy returning and his life feel a little more stable in the world. "That helps a bit..." he said smiling fully for the first time. He was relieved to say the least. "L-let's get going then..." he motioned with his arm so that the two could begin walking, he took lead because he was almost sure she wasn't going to. "About finding more people...maybe that Jester man...girl, thing, we were talking to before, would still be willing to team up..." He thought about what to do more instantly, there was no certainty that they would reach teammates before finding a battle. "We can just take it careful and rush to the's rather easy to stay safe there, the forest along the way is probably the more dangerous area..." He walked at a decently brisk pace, he did say they were in a hurry, but urgency wasn't what he wanted to add to any situation. "I-I think we could be alright for a short while with just the two of us...I could hold off enemies and if they get close I can still sort of fight them...if I take any damage you can heal me up, I don't know about how much damage you want to try but...maybe just wait until they are distracted by me?" He was making it up as he went, he wasn't the best at strategy but it mostly seemed like common sense to him... "Wh-what sort of abilities do you have anyways?" He asked as they walked closer and closer to the city's limits