[@Takashi] Jack had not long been in the city, this was his first time having an extended stay here. He would usually be hosting massive festivals across the globe, but after hosting the New Years party at the Shine Hall, he found himself drawn to the magic of the city and decided to take a holiday from hosting to enjoy Shine City the way its supposed to be enjoyed....Through its nightlife. Jack had many pleasures, most of them were well known to the public, his high energy dating life and his love of delicious alcoholic beverages. He walked down the shine city junction strip in his fitted black denim jeans, his grey designer cowboy boots and a loose V-neck with his signature 'Jacques of Hearts' necklace on. It was his rockstar uniform and he was ready to set the stage on fire with the pleasure he usually tries to keep secret, his love of gambling. Shine City Casino was in reach. [hider=Casino Jamz] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEWuZ0QBvlo[/youtube] [/hider] As Jack walked into the beautiful golden palace he felt the energy surge into him. The music was hot, the slot machines were flashing, and the ground was thudding with many casino goers, stamping in excitement or running to cash in their chips. It was like the world's sexiest earthquake to Jack. But the sights were simply foreplay, it was time to try his own luck...and maybe do some gambling too. He liked to start with blackjack, it was the somewhat ignorant nickname he was given in his all Japanese prep school. It was always used affectionately, but Jack grew to resent it after understanding the context of why it was given to him. He strolled over to the table, sipping a bottle of patron he brought in with him, something that celebrities could get away with most of the time. Jack stood across from the blackjack table from one of the most handsome men he had ever seen, Jack's beer goggles hadn't even kicked in yet and he was already massively impressed by this man's appearance. This could only mean good things. [i][color=92278f]Mr Dealer, i'm trying to keep a low profile, I dont want the world to know I gamble, so I'll be keeping the stakes low while there is still a crowd, I'll rack it up when they start to disperse later in the night. Are you willing to be patient and deal me till late tonight? You sorta look like you could use the company...[/color][/i] Jack leaned forward and smiled at the dealer, the casino was gorgeous, but Jack didn't want to look at anything else or anyone else right now.