Ainsley followed after him a step or two behind. The Servant may have been one of the highest ranking, but he was still under in terms of occupation to the Warrior. The fact that Lance had gone to call on him could only mean that someone of higher rank, such as King Fairchild, must have requested him to do so. What was the King doing to get the Warrior to do such a meddlesome task in the first place? Ainsley couldn't help but think this was highly improper, which only made the Servant sigh. If Ainsley could have rushed, he most certainly would have, but common sense in the royal castle said otherwise. He moved with a brisk pace, doing his best to keep the anxiousness he was feeling off of his face. When Lance tried to start conversation, Ainsley turned his head, continuing to walk at a steady pace. Surprise? That didn't even cover it, the King had always been surprising in everything he did. The man had always seemed to be troubled after the death of the previous monarch, Ainsley couldn't help but note. Only a day or two after Caymdahr had sent out the assassination group, he had let out painful cries and when Ainsley had brought him a midnight drink, even the Servant's composure had crumbled for a second. The man had seemingly aged backward into a teenager. It was not that Ainsley didn't know about magic and all of its wonders, but it didn't seem like Caymdahr had wanted to turn back to the adolescent he had been reduced to. His unwanted powers could only remind the man himself of his past and the devilish fight he had been a part of. But that had been the only time he dwelled on the matter, who was to say whether the King had such a demonic influence or not. Ainsley felt that since he had already put so much effort to support his King, he would stick by the man until the end. It was the steadfastness of the castle that seemed to keep him sane compared to the thug life he used to live. "Sir Nystrom, I do not dwell on the reason for King Fairchild's changes in appearance, but if I may say so, he does seem awfully dashing." That was the only comment Ainsley gave before they reached the throne room. He gave a quick knock on the door to announce their presence, then opened it. He moved forward into the entryway, then moved a few feet to the left to give Lance room before bowing low. "Your Majesty, I have arrived in response to your summons. I have the chamomile you requested." Ainsley didn't dare look back up until he was accepted, but recalled the memory of the room when he first arrived. The King had taken off all of his royal robes and was only in a sleeveless shirt, not only that, the robes were only hung on the back of the throne. Unless he assisted them, they would be prone to wrinkles soon! Ainsley hadn't always been so couth a person in his adolescent years, but six years as a servant in the castle had given him so somewhat problematic, but efficient habits.