[hider=Isa Grand-Arc] [CENTER][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4-OYkyOPHhk/VJB1NHer3YI/AAAAAAAAAj8/LHBuveZsEQM/s1600/protagonists.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [b]Name::[/b] Isa Grand-Arc [b]Age::[/b] 19 [b]Date of Birth::[/b] August 12 [b]Magic::[/b] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Archive][i]Archive Magic[/i][/url] [indent][url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Force_Blast][i]Force Blast[/i][/url] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Force_Shield][i]Force Shield[/i][/url] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Telepathy][i]Telepathy[/i][/url] [i]Transfer Step[/i] - By using Archive screens as platforms, Isa is able to maneuver quickly and even while in the air. [i]Connection Gatling[/i] - Isa fires a barrage of connection cables at the target that fire a blast of digital energy on contact. [i]System Crash[/i] - Gathering Archive screens together, Isa shatters them and sends the shards flying at the target. [i]Overload[/i] - A last resort spell, it is very dangerous for both the user and the target. Placing his hand on the opponents head Isa transfers massive amounts of information to the target, overtaxing their mind and rendering them unconscious. Not only does it use up all of Isa's remaining magic power but it if Isa is not careful it can even end up killing the target. It's only ever used against enemies.[/indent] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Sound_Magic][i]Sound Magic[/i][/url] [indent][i]Sonic Strike[/i] - A simple spell that takes the sound from an impact and amplifies it, adding a blast of soundwaves to the attack. Used effectively the soundwaves can be amplified to a powerful sonic boom. [i]Second Wind Serenade[/i] - The user whistles a beautiful melody that restores stamina and enhances magic power of the user and those considered allies that can hear it.[/indent] [b]Rank::[/b] B [b]Personality::[/b] Isa is calm and collected with an air of sophistication. Though that's only for appearances. He enjoys a good time and a good laugh. He's very sociable and is quick to help others. Being an idol he's very charming and has developed a habit of unintentionally flirting. [b]History::[/b] Isa and his twin sister Reina were born into a famous family of treasure hunters. Grand-Arc, one of the most wealthy and noble families in Fiore. Isa and Reina were prodigies in their own regards. While they both learned Archive magic, Isa never took to it like his sister. Reina was a genius, creating intricate databases and new spells that really exemplified Archive. She loved helping their parents study and store information on old ruins and deciphering the many secrets that lead them to new discoveries. Meanwhile, Isa found another passion, music. Isa discovered a love for singing and performing. He found use in his Archive by composing and writing songs as well as visual tools on stage. In a short time he became a popular idol and Reina even started acting as his manager. Then, a year and a half ago their family was targeted by a dark guild of thieves. They're magic was too strong to fend off and it was only a matter of time before they stole the treasures that their family had worked to so hard to find. Unable, to stand by and let it happen Reina used an unfinished spell to lock away the family vault within a impenetrable magic archive. However, since it was an unfinished spell there was no way of knowing that it would digitize her body to create the magic vault. Unable to break through the dark guild retreated before help arrived. Isa set off to try and learn as much as he could about Archive magic and undo the spell but he just never had the mind for the technical side of it all. He resorted focusing on the combat potential and decided to join a guild in hopes of finding someone or something that could help. [b]Guild::[/b] Phoenix Wing [b]Team Members::[/b] [b]Three Strengths::[/b] 1. Smart, tactical fighter 2. Heightened sense of sound 3. Incredibly charming [b]Three Weaknesses::[/b] 1. Can push himself too hard 2. Easily recognized individual 3. No skill in hacking magical locks and the like [b]Greatest Love::[/b] Music [b]Motivation::[/b] Find a way to free Reina. [b]Additional Details::[/b] [/hider]